How To Directory

How to Terminate Your Student Group


1) Speak to the Student Activities Department

In the first instance, you should speak to a member of the student activities department or email They will be able to address any problems in case the group can continue in a different capacity or alternatively advise you on how to close down the group.

2) Provide written confirmation to SUSU

Once you are certain that you would like to terminate the group you will need to provide Student Activities with written confirmation. Please note that groups will only be terminated at the end of a term or academic year, depending on the group’s circumstances. Student Activities will advise you on this. This will be passed onto our finance department so that they can ensure the group’s finances are in order.


3) Inform your members

It is important that you send all of your members written confirmation which informs them that the group will be terminating on a given date.

4) Finance

You will need to ensure that any outstanding bills or invoices have been paid, including those to the Union. Once this has been done, any remaining funds should be allocated according to the rules in your constitution. If your constitution is unclear, or does not include provision for this, you should first attempt to donate the funds to a similar group, failing which the Student Groups Committee will decide how they should be disbursed.

You should then provide your bank with written confirmation that you will be closing down the account.

5) Equipment

Any equipment belonging to the group should be sold or returned to SUSU. If you are unsure of the best way to do this, please speak to the Student Activities department.

6) Facilities

You will need to make sure that you have cancelled any bookings you have made with SUSU, the University or external providers.

Termination of the Student Group by SUSU

SUSU reserves the right to terminate a Student Group at any time under their concerns to meet their duty of care to the students. This may include any breach of the Student Group Code of Conduct or if the group is not meeting the Union’s condition of being a student group. i.e. Dropped below the minimum number of members, must be open to everyone, must not duplicate, must not be too narrow and must have genuinely serious aims and objectives. Where possible a notice period will be given.