How To Directory

Managing committee members and positions

Committee members can only be added or changed by current committee members, so it is important to add the new committee to groups hub following an AGM.                                                                                                                                                                                                     If you are having issues or you have lost access, please contact 


Adding a Committee Member

Under the ‘Administration’ section select 'Manage Committee Members'. There you should be able to select the appropriate role and year (make sure to double check you’ve selected the right dates)

In  the ‘Held by’ section, type the person’s name. As there maybe one or student with the same name, please ensure you select the right person – it is often easier to type in their username as these are unique.




Adding a Committee Position

If your group has voted in a new position you can go to the section ‘manage committee positions’

You can click on create a new position and from here you can select the ‘Title’ of the role and a brief description of what the role entails. Once this role has been created simply select ‘Add Position’ and follow the above steps to select the appropriate person.                                       Any emails sent going to a committee member will go straight to the holder of the role if the generic email is left blank, only write an email here if there is a role email this would be more appropriate to go to

Make sure when adding new committee roles that the correct role responsibilities are ticked as often specific roles are contacted (eg your vice-president role might also fulfill the tasks of secretary)– make sure all full committee members are ticked as group admin.

You can also edit existing positions on this page so you can change as needed so can update names or roles when needed.