Sophia asked each Faculty Officer to deliver a one-minute paper on what they had achieved so far in their role and what they aim to do.
Rhys (FSHS) - Rhys noted that he has focused on building relationships with academic staff and with his Academic Presidents. He has finalised his year plan. He also noted that he was in the process of drafting up a newsletter to be sent out to students: this would contain a section for academic presidents. Rhys offered to post a summary of this newsletter on the facebook group.
Will (Hums) - Will was due to meet with Academic Presidents once they have all attended their SSLCs. He has attended Faculty Programmes Committee and identified no major issues. Will stated that his main aim was to increase awareness of the academic representation system because there is a lack of knowledge in certain academic units. He also aimed to improve relationships with staff, and to take part in employability events.
Stephanie (FBL) - Stephanie noted that she had attended several meetings, including Faculty Programmes Committee. She said none of the current issues in the faculty were of major concern. Stephanie's main aim to improve feedback, in collaboration with Academic Presidents. She also aims to increase the communication between reps and students.
Sophia added that the elections for the School of Art were being re-run because of a lack of engagement with the previous elections. She offered to update the committee at the next meeting.
Giles (FPAS) - Giles aimed to improve postgraduate marking, particularaly in Physics. He aimed to increase engagement in some sub-areas of ECS. He was concerned that this may require the creation of another Academic President. He was currently writing a bid for the Innovation Fund to get each Faculty Officer a small budget. he was meeting David Gilani to discuss the proposal, and would continue to update the commitee. Finally, he noted that he was working on feedback, but that this would be under another agenda point. Giles added that he was also working to get Faculty Officers acess to the all.soton mailing list without moderation. Giles said he would email through further details.
Shruti (FEE) - Shruti aimed to build on her work from the previous year. Particular items of concern were the use of Blackboard, or the dissemination of deadline dates. Shruti noted that the faculty now display a course work deadline, details and marking criteria at start to each module, so students are better informed. More work on feedback is being done - Shruti expcted an update at the next Faculty Programmes Committee. She also noted that she was working on getting online submission for third year dissertations.
Michael (Student Groups) - Michael noted that he had discussed funding with Sophia earlier in the week, and that this was a common issue for all student groups committees. Michael noted that due to the fact that Education Zone has an especially small pot of money, some societies feel unsupported, and may want to leave. This is an issue for concern. he noted that he and Sophia had discussed a greater involvement between faculty officers and departmental societies.
Sophia added that she and Carla would shortly be sending out guidelines to student groups for Education Zone Funding. Michael added that he and Chris McGehan would be hosting drop-in sessions to offer groups help with their funding applications. Michael to update committee.
Sophia noted that the matters arising being discussed would be from the meeting on the October - these had not been discussed at the 5th November meeting, due to the focus on Industrial Action at that meeting.
PGT/PGR Officers (Agenda Point 1) - There was a discussion regarding the membership of the committee. Sophia noted that if the Commitee wanted to change its membership, they would need to take a paper to Democracy Zone committee. Severall points were raised, including:
- More members mean a higher number needed to reach quoracy. This is not always reached and hinders the committee's working;
- Their inclusion is a good first step to improving PG involvement in the Union;
- Their inclusion would not have a meaningful impact on the majority of PG students.
Sophia asked the committee to vote on whether or not she should take a paper to Democracy Zone. The votes were cast as follows:
- For - 1
- Against - 6
- Abstensions - 0
Academic Representation Policy (Agenda Point 3) - Sophia noted she had not sent out the policy because it was still in progress. She summarised that the policy was being changed to be less operational. She also noted that Academic Vice Presidents for Social Sciences had been added.
Course Rep Elections Update (Agenda Item 4) - Carla provided an update: Demoracy has said the 'Suggest a Friend' function would be possible for Course Rep elections, but that this was not a priority.
Zone Plan - Feedback (Agenda Item 5) - Sophia noted that she had not yet had an opporunity to look at how often opportunity profiles had been downloaded. Carla noted that she had updated the 'Staff Lead' and numbering on the Zone Plan. As above, the committee confirmed they were well-informed on the Faculty Officers' Zone plans. Sophia explained that she would be following up with the Faculty Officers who were not present. Sophia confirmed that she and Carla had met with Democracy to start planning Summer Elections.
Evasys Update (Agenda Item 8) - Sophia thanked those who attended the first Evasys meeting and noted that the next meeting would be cancelled due to lack of numbers. She also noted that she was unable to prioritise campaiging on this issue due to a lack of information or resources from the university.
iSolution Lunch (agenda Item 9) - Sophia asked those who had not yet confirmed their attendance at lunch on Wednesday 26th November to do so by emailing Robert Price (
A.O.B (Agenda Item 10) - Sophia noted that she had no solution as of yet. She will continue to chase.