The committee were happy with the plan, overall. Rhys suggested that milestone 1.3 ('Nominees to use Opportunity Profiles to better prepare them for their role') needed some means of measuring. Carla confirmed that SUSU can measure how many people have downloaded the opportunity profiles. Sophia agreed to get the numbers from CMT.
The committee noted that the Staff lead would need to be changed on the plans to reflect Carla's role.
Sophia noted that all Officers would be expected to present their three goals for the year to the next Education Zone Committee.
On the topic of elections (Goal 1) the committee noted that as this was a major milestone, planning needs to begin for Summer Elections. Carla and Sophia agreed to liaise with Democracy with regards to this.
On the topic of budgets (6.1: 'Application to be made to the Education Enhancement Fund for 2014-2015. At least 70% of allocated budgets to be spent by Academic Presidents and Faculty Officers') Giles explained that he had begun working on the bid, but had heard that the University were unlikely to provide funding. He was therefore going to submit a bid to the Fund in January, and requested that Carla change the date on the plan accordingly. Carla explained that there may be scope for the budget to come from SUSU. However, this would not be decided until at least March.