Sam to talk with security / send email so that all rooms can be accessed during exams.
Sam updated the zone – this is still ongoing and is due to meet in the week or so with Security and Estates & Facilities. Sam to feedback after this meeting.
Recorded lectures in the Business School.
Adrian feed back to the group following discussions with the Business School, students do tend to re-watch certain bits of lecturers if they are available. However there is no clear consensus for having recorded lecturers. David also mentioned there is a similar discussion going on in medicine. Both to update if any there are any changes or progress.
Promotion of study spaces.
This is being done currently, and the summer You Are More Than campaign is being promoted including the extra spaces in the SUSU buildings.
Course Rep working group.
Meeting went ahead, item 7 on the agenda will run through the details. Sam thanked the reps who attended and those who provided feedback in the process so far.
AI Statement.
The Statement has since been approved by the Zone and will be published on the website in the coming weeks.