Steve - VP Sports
Q - It was noted that there was a lack of progress on some goals, the question was whether this was due to taking on additional responsibilities as acting Union President?
A - Steve confirmed that taking on compulsory aspects of the Union President role had contributed but that this was also due to the limited number of days the team has had in the office due to Union Visits and the January Residential.
Q - Expanding on the previous question, are only compulsory aspects of the role being taken forward?
A - It is mainly the compulsory aspects of the role but Steve confirmed that the Sexual Assault Awareness Campaign was also being progressed. This is currently with the University Council and that they will be coming up with a plan to take to the next meeting.
Q - Asked whether there could be any formal representation for users of the gym, although this may not be possible as the Spring Elections are already underway.
A - The Sports Experience Board was not intended to be that formal but as it is still in discussion, Steve will take this into consideration.
Q - Could the Give it a Go week be brought back to introduce the idea of Mental Health and Sport, physical activity as a way of helping to improve health and wellbeing?
A - There wouldn't be enough time to do that this year but it is a good idea and could be picked up by the team that are elected for next year.
Q - Related to the previous question, there was a Mental Health Panel in the Bridge recently that talked about how the benefits of exercise are important, is there anything that we can do this year? Could a society be formed?
A - Isabella answered and discussed the programme for the 'You Are More Than..' campaigns. Later in the term when the You Are More Than Your Exams is running, Pilates will be put on again. Forming a Society would be a good idea but my exclude people outside of the society from getting involved in activities.
Evie asked if this could be something she takes on as a way of promoting that you can get involved in activities without being a member of a society.
Sam - VP Education
Q - Why is the Academic Rep review taking so long and doesn't appear to be started yet?
A - We are waiting on some I.T. updates and due to staff departure this has been delayed. These updates will hopefully be completed soon so that the team can get started on the review. As soon as possible, a Working Group meeting will be put in the calendar.
Q - Why has the goal for printing not been completed?
A - It is considered completed but the work on free printing has been in addition to the original goal. Overall, the cost of printing has been reduced by 50%.
Q - Isn't it a long term project to work on Blackboard?
A - Sam confirmed he wanted this work to be added to the University's plan so that it outlasted him. Although it will need to be passed on to the next elected sabbatical, it should still be completed by September.
Evie - VP Democracy and Creative Industries
Q - Referring to Goal 2 and the commitment to creative arts space from the University, although this is very positive work the PA Officer should be included in those discussions.
A - The meeting that took place was just an initial disucssion and wasn't all focussed on creative arts space. Sam also attended and other things were discussed. However, we will make sure that more representatives are involved.
Q - There doesn't seem to be much progress since the AGM, some items are still marked as 1 or 2?
A - I would only mark items as a 3 if they're complete and there is still 5 months left to work on those items.
Q - What progress is being made on welfare for candidates in the Spring Elections?
A - This is something that should be built on year on year, although the focus is on Spring Elections we do also need to consider the Summer and Autumn Elections as well.
Q - How will your time be effected by the Summer Elections considering that there has been a drop in Creative Industries work during the Spring Elections?
A - The Summer Elections are smaller and shouldn't be as much of a problem.
Emily - VP Student Communities
Q- Referring to Goal 1, there has been a lot of work within your own zone but not much collaboration with other zones.
A - This goal was less about working with other zones and more about getting others to understand what the zone does and to increase the communication from the Student Communities zone out to other areas of the Union.
Q - You have done a lot to improve welfare, have you been working with Isabella?
A - Emily confirmed she has mostly been working on PG Mental Health but that Isabella is on the University steering group and has been feedbin into the work she has been doing as well.
Steve told Senate that although we naturally hear welfare and think that Isabella should be involved, it should be something that all the sabbatical officers focus on and consider as part of the projects.
Isabella - VP Welfare
Q - In reference to the Sexual Violence Working Group, what has been done to support anxious students after the recent assault close to halls?
A - Although we hadn't really considered this, there is work that happens in the background and isn't so public. Student Services reach out to students to talk to them about incidences. Isabella confirmed that she would look into this and report back.
Union Senate put it to action that Isabella should report back on what work is being done to help with anxiety and Sexual Assualt Awareness.
Steve also mentioned that although we want to ensure that students are safe, we equally don't want to scare them unnecessarily.