iSolutions: Adrian showed an iSolutions leaflet and asked the rest of the group to look through it and to give feedback within the next 2-3 weeks.
Course Rep change: Sam mentioned that in SUBU they do not have course reps, but their reps are called student reps (representatives of student body). They are there regarding all aspects of student experience, such as the library, IT, transport. Sam mentioned that if students at Southampton had one point of contact for all that would be good. It was discussed that in most cases our reps already do that, so it would be more a matter of changing the name than the role. The group suggested different things, like course reps being re-trained by all the FOs together, or that it could be a good idea to teach reps the difference in meetings. It was also mentioned that we should get more out of reps, change the expectations and make clear the responsibilities; maybe assign them specific tasks. Sam will organise a working group to re-examine the role and responsibilities of Course Reps.
Academic Integrity: Sam had talks with the Advice Centre about Academic Integrity (AI). The Advice Centre have pulled together a working group with the University, and there are many good ideas, but lack a SUSU stance on the AI problem. Sam mentioned that 90% of the instances are avoidable, and it was commented that there is a great impact on the students’ wellbeing who have to go through this process. The Library has said that our reps have been good at giving advice and sharing resources. Sam said that he will work on a statement on AI and circulate it to the Zone for approval.
Elections: Sam reminded the group about SUSU’s spring elections and let them know that we have new sites officer roles.