Main Meeting
Introduction and apologies
Sam ran through the apologies, and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Welcome Ordinary Members
Sam welcomed the ordinary members to the zone explaining the role and promoting the fact there are still a few more positions available.
Officer Reports
Officers Reports for 1. FEPS, 2. FELS, 3. Medicine, 4. FSS and 5. JH are attached, and will be sent to the entire zone again for reference. Sam explained his Senate report is a comprehensive update of his work this term, and can be found in the Senate minutes. Sam updated the zone about the distribution of the Union Presidents workload, with Sam taking on Stage 3 Academic Appeals. The NSS launch will be 7th Feb, however it does open from Mid-January, and this is useful for Midwives. There is also the SSS, which is for all students as well as the PTES and PRES for PGT and PGR students this year. January to March there will be a lot of survey promotion. Members of the zone asked for some more information and perhaps a briefing document about the NSS, Sam suggested that there would be briefing sessions for all reps ahead of the survey launching. Any other ideas or suggestions around the NSS please pass on the Sam who will take to the NSS working group. ACTION: Sam to send information about the dates to zone.
Action |
Sam to send information about the dates to zone. |
PG updates
3 of the 5 PGR representative roles have been filled, which is good for the first year. They have already began work and there is also some branding which is being used to promote their roles. One of the reps has also suggested a Faculty SSLC which is a great idea to take forward.
Clubs and Socs update
Sam gave a quick update on Clubs and Socs, round 2 of grants opens today, two weeks for application, with it closing the last week of term. Sam asked the zone if they are happy for the applications to be sent around via email and approved. Those in attendance approved this. Sam will also be sending an introduction email to all Education Clubs and Societies, including an introduction to Angeles and her role.
Changes to Semester 1 teaching
Sam raised the discussion topic of first year students picking optional modules before they arrive at university, often with little information about the module and no contact with any teaching staff. There have been some discussions of the university changing any elected modules from Semester 1 for 1st years to skills sessions or wellbeing modules. This is something that the university is looking into the feasibility of, as it would be trickier in some areas than others to implement. The group then discussed this suggestion: Welfare modules – would this be transition based? Would there be credits for these modules? When would you be able to do those optional modules? Could more information be provided ahead of students starting their course to make an informed decision, for example any catalogues, course handbooks or case studies from previous students? It was discussed that it would be quite unpopular in certain areas, especially those who wished to study quite a niche course and the reason for picking that course is the content of certain modules. It was raised that you can change modules; there is a reasonable amount of flexibility for the first two weeks. There are already core wellbeing modules timetabled in some areas, for example all first year medicine students receiving Look After Your Mate training, during the first semester. It was suggested that it would be useful to meet you PAT earlier to get talking and make confident decisions on your optional modules. Those present all felt there needs to be an introduction to the support services available to all students. Welcome Week – perhaps taster sessions, or online seminars beforehand. Recorded lectures to be available ahead of students starting. Mentoring particularly for masters students about expectations. It was suggested that changes need to be made before students even start at university, so the transition from college to university. ACTION: Sam to feedback to University.
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Sam to feedback to University |
Feedback Methods
The groups next discussion topic was feedback methods: It was raised that the university makes it very difficult to feedback. This was echoed by the Sabb team who commented that a lot of feedback comes through You Make Change, as the feedback button direct to the university on SUSSSED is not well advertised, this method is also so generic that it does not feel relevant to course related feedback. There were also questions around the anonymity of this. It was suggested feeding back through PATs is a good option, also in FELS they have started including 5 min feedback sessions ahead of an SSLC using set questions which can be feedback to staff. The group raised the question that it does not always seem feedback is listened to, or there is no real answer to any feedback that is given; often it is passed down through other areas for example reps. The Student Forums are another example of this, where there is no real response to the questions asked, and it then is just the same questions asked again and again. It was also pointed out that sometimes change does happen as a result of the feedback, but they don’t actually let students know. Sam and Evie explained how the sabbs are planning to develop You Make Change, as a lot of university feedback comes through this channel as well. It has now been agreed that a response must be sent in 20 working days, this also applies to the university who have also signed this agreement.
Study Spaces
Sam started this discussion with reminding the group that the Centenary Student Learning Centre is on its way (Summer 2019) and there have already been discussions around the opening hours, as there will be a lot of study space within this building. 24hour opening is unlikely however Sam asked the zone if they would be happy with 7am-11pm opening, to be pushed for. The zone agreed this would be reasonable (earlier opening hours for medics and health sciences students is welcomed), Hartley hours are being looked at to gauge when the peak times are. Sam confirmed that hot water and microwaves are to be installed from the start, so no campaigning needed! Sam explained that the new building will contain common learning space as well as rooms with entirely moveable furniture. Evie explained she is also working on making sure clubs and socs are able to book this space for their activities. The issue of ID cards and gaining access to building outside of the core teaching times was raised, with students experiencing a lot of difficulties. Sam did comment that there are some security issues with the new building, which will need to be looked at. However there does need to be an ID card audit with regard to access to buildings. ACTION: Sam to update once more information is available.
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Sam to update once more information is available. |
- Recorded lectures: There still appears to be some areas of the university unwilling to record lecturers – the reason given is to do with performance rights, however they do belong to the university, there have been conversations with legal and it has been mentioned that it may mean staff would need new contacts – ACTION: Sam to speak to staff unions about any changes. The group discussed issues around attendance and how many people use them, it was suggested that if you have a module with 100% exam, it is helpful to sit and listen and then read back the script. Sam did point out there are also issues with the capacity of the university to do this, not every lecture theatre is capable of recording and there are also issues around storage of the files. One suggestion was opt out rather than opt in which might have a higher success rate. It was raised that often there isn’t really a reason as to why they don’t record the lecture, for example if a student requests it for a particular reason it will then happen. It was also raised that the use of a whiteboard or blackboard in a lecture means you cannot see it on the recording. Sam suggested that the way to make change with this issue is from the bottom up, so for course reps to keep pushing for individual change. ACTION: Sam to find an update on Recorded Lecture usage.
- 100% Exam focus: this was raised as something which is happening in Engineering and Physical Sciences, where they are phasing out course work, this has been met with negative feedback from students. Abhinav will raise this issue and feedback.
- Restructure: Sam informed the group that there will be a review of how it has effected students; this is something Steve Gore will be taking on. The questions over where the missed lecture pay has gone will also be asked.
- Fees/Finance: Sam raised this as a discussion point to take forwards, where do tuition fees go? Currently this information is not very open or accessible, providers need to make it more visible to students. Further transparency is being pushed for generally in the HE sector, Sam will wait until the Post-18 Review and the commons paper is available, before taking this forward to the university.
- Rep Social: Sam reminded the reps that the Christmas Rep Social was coming up, and extended the invitation to all those in the Education Zone.
Action |
Sam to speak to staff unions about any changes. |
Action |
Sam to find an update on Recorded Lecture usage |