Question: With your work on the EVAs, what has been done to make sure that it is as inclusive as possible? Year on year, nominations seem to come through from the same groups but there are many other groups and volunteers to be recognised.
Arun: An all student email was sent out to make sure that everyone was aware that nominations had opened. He also discussed the work that has been done with Clubs and Societies to make sure more nominations come through. He has left thoughts for the team next year working on EVAs of how they can improve on this work.
Steve: The names of some awards have been changed to open it up and make it easier to nominate more people for categories, he expressed confidence that there were new groups nominated this year.
Question: What are you doing to ensure Fresher Reps aren't just here to go drinking?
Arun: This has been an issue for Fresher Reps as they have mainly been responsible for getting student to and from clubs. This year, there is more focus on welfare, Arun confirmed that they would be responsible for helping student to meet each other and form friendships. Overall, the Union is trying to reduce alcohol in Freshers events which will help with this. The training has been made more comprehensive and includes information about PG and mature students.
Question: Would Fresher Reps become a mentor?
Arun: More like an older sibling than a mentor.
Question: Last year there was no vetting for Freshers Reps, is this the case again for the coming Freshers?
Arun: No, this year there will be vetting of Fresher Reps.
Question: Can you expand on the work you are doing with other Unions in the area?
Arun: We have been sharing best practise and in particular discussing issues that are shared such as housing for students. We have also been working with the Council on this projects.
Steve: There will be a new sports centre in the next few years at Winchester Uni. We are working with them to make sure it is offered to WSA students to use.
Sam H
Question: The new coffee machine in the shop doesn't hold non-dairy milk. Is there anything that can be done about this?
Sam: I have asked about this but it isn't possible. The Bridge does provide the same service at the same price with non-dairy milk though.
Question: There wasn't a separate event set up for Union Senate, instead it was included in the event for the Making Change Summit.
Cecile: Sorry about this, we will make sure it is set up as a separate event in future.
Question: How will you validate the effort made by the media teams?
Evie: We are looking to introduce a Creative Industries Award. Also, we can endorse on LinkedIn and write recommendations.
Question: With your work on the Union Review, are you planning to set up a working group?
Evie: The project would be too big for a working group to manage, we will be starting as the sabbatical team to work out what needs addressing. After this, we will consult with students and send individual items to specific groups who are affected so they can contribute.
Question: Your senate report was only submitted today?
Steve: Unfortunately, I did send it before I went on leave but my outlook failed and all my emails from that day were lost.
Sam D:
Question: At the Making Change Summit you talked about the sustainability of printing, but here at Union Senate all the sabbatical team have print-outs of their reports.
Sam: This is true, we could definitely all do better especially as we have i-pads for work. I will look into what we can do as a Union to cut down unnecessary printing.
Question: Are you able to give us an update on compensation for students after the strike action?
Sam: At the moment, we aren't sure when it will happen, we are still waiting for a University to break rank on the issue and provide compensation. We are working on it and pushing it with the University.