The Zone had been sent Officer Reports from JH Officer, FPSE, FSHMS, FH and FM Faculty Officer ahead of the meeting.
All Officer reports attached.
Adam has been working on a new feedback system in biology. Also working with the faculty to create a faculty version of the VC address.
Heath Sciences recently had a Faculty Forum, the NHS is turning 70 this year, Jess (Nursing AP) is organising an afternoon tea, they are currently looking at online assessment for students on placement – making it more specific and less generic and looking at the Blackboard site for the faculty. The 1st badge ceremony took place and nursing ran a meet your rep series on social media introducing the course reps for nursing. The VC also came and spoke to the 1st years about the restructure.
VP Education
Round 2 of grants will be open soon.
Action: Sam to send a list of Education affiliated societies to Melanie.
Sam informed the group that the Unions statement about the All Student Vote is due to go live tomorrow.
The Study Space survey closed just after the exam period and there is lots of data to work thought- more information to follow.
Printing – Free Printing has been given the go ahead just waiting on some contract clarifications, with regard to university printing, Sam confirmed that the costs should be going down.