Sam and Giles presented a PowerPoint on the university restructure and how Academic Representation might look. ACTION: Kate to circulate to Ed Zone
Comments welcome on the proposal.
The point was also raised that PGT/PGR academic officers need consideration.
Faculty Executive Boards – the reps that sit on these, will the uni appoint them or will they be Union reps?
ACTION: Send any feedback about the proposal to Sam.
The group then discussed the restructure which is a current student interest issue.
The general opinion of the group was that the distribution of students to admin staff is a concern. There are also other financial issues, such as unoccupied houses and the derelict South Stoneham Tower. The group also discussed the news around the VCs pay and the voluntary severance process. Concerns were raised over the student experience. A few key points were raised during the discussion:
- The amount of information that has been made available (Sam asked everyone to signpost any students with questions to either Flora or himself)
- There has been no student consultation
- No information on the impact on faculties or departments
- Concerned about the lack of information and transparency
- The impact of staff leaving on student experience
- Online options- may have implications
- Liaison Tutors – loss of jobs, now could be potentially cross faculty
- Costings- where is the unspecified amount coming from, £15 million
ACTION: Sam to take this feedback to Senate.