4.1. Equality and Diversity Officer:
Frazer has promised that he will circulate his report to the committee shortly.
4.2. Ethics and Environmental Officer:
Elle recently met with George to discuss the ‘Change Our World Week’.
Fair Trade event on Friday 12th May – will have a stall on the redbrick, with free snacks and Tea/Coffee, will use the opportunity to promote and it also ties in nicely with exams.
Fair Trade range in Shop – How much can be spent? In previous years around £200 has been spent, however there may be more money available in the budget.
Environmental Rock Fest on 29th May – will have a stall and can also promote Shift Your Stuff, Ell is also looking into getting a smoothie bike. They have also asked if we could contribute a prize to the raffle.
James updated the committee with the Campus Collective Community Gardens current situation. They are looking for space as the Council have been unable to provide any. They have the money and people but are just struggling to secure a suitable space. Flora suggested the Performing Arts House which may have a garden.