8.1 VP Education
The Joint Honours forum went ahead successfully along with the all student forum attended by the Vice Chancellor. Elliot extended his thanks to all who attended. In the future they will work with the University to improve the publicity of these forums.
Elliot has spoken to timetabling with regards to the President’s survey on an inter-semester break and that they are receptive to examining the timetable with a view to adapting it to give students more time off or a better break.
With regards to next year’s Faculty Officers, Academic Presidents and Course Reps Elliot is working with the Union’s Learning and Development department to provide more information, possibly in the form of a booklet. There is already some material available on the Union’s new Learning Management System (LMS) website. More online academic rep training materials will added before the next training sessions.
Work has also begun on the creation of handover documents for next year’s FOs and APs. This should ensure that there is a smooth transition when next year’s post holders take over.
8.2 Business, Law and Art Faculty Officer
- A student forum was planned however the students fed back that they prefer the SSLC structure, so the FO and the Dean will attend the next SSLC instead.
- Students had reported some ambivalence towards recording lectures and feared that it might reduce lecture attendance.
- The FO is exploring a third year – second year peer mentoring initiative to help students pick dissertations and promote collegiality between years.
8.3 PGT Officer
- Met with the University to discuss issues on exams and the lack of formative assessment. They have said they will look into changing some modules.
- There will also be an increase in the amount of optional modules that are offered.
- Spoke to the Vice Chancellor about getting more feedback and was promised an increase.
8.4 Health Science Faculty Officer
- The withdrawal of the NHS Bursary has led to a decrease in applications to Health Sciences.
- The SSLC and the forum have been combined to increase student engagement.
- The university will now be visiting students out on placements.
- The You Said We Did campaign has received positive feedback.
8.5 Humanities Faculty Officer
- Faculty Forum was a success and the Dean attended, PGR working conditions were discussed with a hope to improve standards
- Attended various SSLCs
- The need to improve access to Enabling Services for Humanities students has been taken to Enabling Services.
8.6 Medicine Faculty Officer
Report attached.