Course reps t-shirts - A statement from Elliot was read to committee. The committee discussed how to move sustainability as a principle to all zones and agreed to discuss the matter further with VP Education.
Ban Plastic Now update -
It was noted that doing an environmental audit of the union is good but the question was asked what will we do now? Why don't we change water bottles? Change to biodegradable trays that don’t go soggy? Why can’t we use reusable plastic cups in our venues?
David is gathering examples and is working with Union Services about immediate changes we can do. Things are happening and David and will do more to promote this. Reusable coffee cups will be coming with loyalty scheme for the bridge.
David is looking into the best water bottled we can have such as ones that would be recycled plastic and donate money to water aid or other charities.
David is also looking into better disposable cutlery e.g. wood or edible such as is being pioneered in India. Quick wins for sustainability will be complemented by a full audit.