5.1 Tuition fee campaign was the top choice
5.2 TEF Demo
- Currently about 45 members going
- What is our stance?
- Idea makes sense, but needs to be moderated
- Put people off coming to university
- Grants have been taken away meaning more debt, not fair on future students
- Student quality of life may decrease if maintenance loans don’t increase
- Should support groups who want to go
VOTE: Should we support groups who want to go?
YES unanimous
Email everyone who voted in all student vote to let them know about demonstration?
Help with transport (may incur a cost)?
Alex to act as a Union Representative on the day?
Discussion on what The Union should do after the demonstration
- Talk to local schools about impact on future students
- Student forums/debates
- Get media outlets involved
- Make sure that any campaign is party neutral and only relates to the topic.
Actions: Elliot/Alex to work out how to do sign ups
Elliot to circulate the risk assessment and NUS advice
Elliot to circulate transport cost for approval via round-robin
Alex to coordinate with debating society regarding a debate on the topic
5.3 Tap choose change results
Overwhelming majority said no
Smaller numbers than all student vote