The committee discussed the funding applications submitted by both RESSUP and Union Southampton. The committee were previously informed that there was approximately £85,000 + plus any remaining funding from 2016 which is required to be spent within Halls.
The committee firstly looked at the bid for Multi Touch Interactive Screens. The committee agreed that more information would be needed before purchasing this. The committee advised that consultation with students in halls and the possiblilty of trailing one before rolling out to all Halls.
The committee disscussed and agreed that Welfare packs for students living in Halls was a good idea. The Committee agreed to fund the packs up to a value of £40,000.
The committee discussed the proposal of the redevelopment of the Glen Eyre Common Room. The committee asked the question whether the University had plans to redevelop the Boiler House at Monte. The committee agreed that redevelopment of the Glen Common Room should recieve half of the remaining budget with the other half going towards the redevelopment of the Boiler House at Monte. It was agreed that if the University were not planning redevelopments of the Boiler House then the new committee could decide on whether to put the remaining money into the Glen Eyre Common Room or use this for an alternative activity.
Gateway Football Kit - Approved
Mayflower Pizza Night upto the value of £800.00 - Approved
Mayflower General Equipment - upto the value of £3000 - Approved
Mayflower Speakes - upto the value of £300 - Appoved
Chamberlain Pizza Night - upto the value of £800 - Approved
Connaught Speaker Amp - Upto the value of £200.00 - Approved
Highfield Sports Equipment - £342.50 - Approved
Highfield Speakers/DVD Player/ Project - upto the value of £1500 - Approved
Gateway Pizza Night - upto the value of £400.00 - Approved
Bencraft Equipment - Upto the value of £800.00 - Approved