Several committee members commented that the time commitment stated on the Faculty Officer Opportunity Profile (10 - 15 hours per week) is inaccurate. Furthermore, it could put some students off from nominating themselves for the role.
It was discussed that Opportunity Profiles should instead state the minimum requirement for the role, such as essential meetings to be attended and how many times a year they meet. For example, Education Zone Committee, Union Council and Faculty Programmes Committee.
Ed suggested that Opportunity Profiles should focus more on employability and the skills to be gained from the role.
Shruti countered that Opportunity Profiles should instead focus on what reps actually do for their course, such as by giving examples of what previous students have achieved in the role. It was discussed that this could also include what the student is doing now and what skills they developed in their role.
Shruti suggested that the word 'Supervision' should be removed from the subheading 'Support and Supervision' because it creates the impression that elected officers can be held accountable by staff.
It was suggested that Opportunity Profiles should emphasise that you are part of a team and illustrate how your role fits into that team, such as through a colour-coded infographic or flow chart.
Rhys commented that, as an Academic Representative, you do not always know who to go to for support and added that other Faculty Officers and Academic Presidents should also support you in your role. Sophia suggested that Opportunity Profiles should state what support is available and Michael proposed including a list of useful contacts.
Sophia stated that Opportunity Profiles should include more detail about the training offered to Academic Representatives. Several committee members recommended emphasising that training will enable you to better understand your role and to fulfil it effectively. Shruti pointed out that people who are bi-elected in the Autumn need to be assured that they have not missed out on training.
Shruti felt that each Academic Representative position is building on the one below it. In this way, the Course Rep Opportunity Profile should list 4 skills gained, for example, whereas the Academic President Opportunity Profile should list 6.
Rhys pointed out that, although there is a tier system, Faculty Officers are not more important than Academic Presidents, they just do very different work. Rhys and Sophia stated that the Faculty Officer role is more strategic, whereas the Academic President role is more about actually talking to students and managing Course Reps.
Shruti disagreed and stated that all Academic Representative roles need to be visible and involve talking to students, as long as everyone understands the remit of their role and is able to refer students to the correct people.
Sophia disagreed and asked why a student would be approaching their Faculty Officer directly rather than approaching their Course Rep. She stated that this would lead her to question the effectiveness of the team underneath the Faculty Officer.
Sophia decided that Course Reps should be consulted about the Opportunity Profile for their role, rather than discussing it in Education Zone Committee.