Minutes from previous meeting
The minutes for the previous Sustainability Zone Committee meeting were approved. A review is given below. Some action points have been carried over from the previous meeting, see list of Actions.
In the review of actions from the previous meeting, the following points were noted:
2.1 Ongoing: BT to follow up with the University at a later date about the status of actions for gender neutral toilets and gender neutral titles in student records system.
BT has been in contact with the University and Facilities about getting one or two bins put in the cubicles in male toilets in the SUSU and this will be happening soon. BT is still waiting to hear back from the University about the gender neutral titles in the student records system. EC noted that a contact at the University called Ros Collins (Insight) may be able to provide more information on this.
ACTION: Ongoing: BT will update on the status of gender neutral titles in the student records system when the University provide an update
ACTION: BT to contact Ros Collins about gender neutral titles in the student records system
2.2 Ongoing: WB to share method of BEES NUS reporting of student engagement with TS.
This has not been completed yet.
ACTION: Ongoing: WB to share method of BEES NUS reporting of student engagement with TS
2.3 Ongoing: BT to find out what stage Student Groups are at with reviewing funding and how travel fits into this and feedback to the Zone Committee
BT has spoken to those involved (Megan and Katie) to ensure that the Sustainability Zone can give input into travel guidelines and also considers the ethical purchasing and waste reduction e.g. recycled flyers. Initially the guidelines were to be created after SUSU Bank creation but this has been postponed so it is likely the guidelines will be created ahead of this but no definitive date has been set. It was discussed that the guidelines should be brought to E&E and E&D committee as well as the Sustainability Zone committee to ensure that all aspects are considered in the new guidelines. BT will update on this and bring back to zone committee in due course.
ACTION: Ongoing: BT to find out what stage Student Groups are at with reviewing funding and how travel fits into this and feedback to the Zone Committee
2.4 Ongoing: BT and LB to feed back to Zone Committee about the potential staff and/or student travel policy when there are any developments on progress.
The staff travel policy research is still waiting to be looked over by personnel. BT is awaiting feedback for the student travel policy.
ACTION: Ongoing: BT to feed back to Zone Committee about the potential staff and/or student travel policy when there are any developments on progress.
2.5 TS to look at options of sourcing sustainable clothing (including Wessex Clothing) and to find out what other SU’s are doing in regards to this.
This has not been completed yet. It was explored if this should be a priority due to changeover of committee positions in student groups. TS identified that the committee need to ensure that organisations suggested to student groups are both ethical and reasonably priced. The committee discussed the target groups for this, as many groups such as Union group committees go through marketing for this. It was agreed that TS will look into this at the start of June.
ACTION: Ongoing: TS to look at options of sourcing sustainable clothing (including Wessex Clothing) and to find out what other SU’s are doing in regards to this.
2.6 LB, TS and BT to develop an implementation plan for section 5.3 of the E&E policy.
LB has started this and it has been agreed as an action for when the new E&E officer is in post. BT, TS and LB are meeting with Simon Kemp and Julia Kendal at the university to discuss future sustainability engagement plans for the next academic year. LB, TS and BT will develop a plan and bring this to zone committee and to Simon Kemp and Julia Kendal.
ACTION: Ongoing: LB, TS and BT to develop an implementation plan for section 5.3 of the E&E policy with the new E&E officer.
ACTION: LB, TS and BT to take E&E plans to Simon Kemp and Julia Kendal for the university.
2.7 PD to follow up with Jo who prepares the report for Commercial Managers to ensure point of clarity on section 5.3 of the E&E policy is included.
PD was not present at this committee meeting and will update at next committee meeting.
ACTION: Ongoing: PD to follow up with Jo who prepares the report for Commercial Managers to ensure point of clarity on section 5.3 of the E&E policy is included.
2.8 Ongoing: LB to contact Sue Brindley to get an update on the progress of reducing food waste and to communicate this to the student body (e.g. blog and/or news article)
This has not been completed yet.
ACTION: Ongoing: LB to contact Sue Brindley to get an update on the progress of reducing food waste and to communicate this to the student body (e.g. blog and/or news article)
2.9 Ongoing: LB to bring updated waste action plan to next meeting
ACTION: Complete (in progress). LB will review after the exam period and bring to BT and TS.
2.10 Ongoing: BT to include support staff in the PID and to look into potential for qualifications.
BT has included support staff in the PID but has not looked into qualifications yet. This will need to be discussed at staffing sub -committee
ACTION: BT to take support staff qualification idea to the staffing sub-committee.
2.11 Ongoing: TS and BT to review the zone strategy and bring findings to the next zone committee to identify priorities.
This is in progress. SB and LB have reviewed the zone strategy and given feedback from a student leader perspective. TS and BT still need to review and provide feedback on the zone strategy. SB, LB, BT and TS will review together before the start of the next academic year.
ACTION: Complete (in progress)
2.13 PD to check Fairtrade sales figures of the shop from Fairtrade Fortnight
PD was not present at this committee meeting.
ACTION: LB to email a reminder to PD to check Fairtrade sales figures of the shop from Fairtrade Fortnight.
2.14 BT to work with FD to plan for taking the He For She campaign to union council
The ‘He For She’ campaign was take to Union Council and passed. Charlie Green (Student Life Coordinator) has been tasked with looking into it. The campaign will be taken forward through Wellbeing Committee and E&D Committee.
ACTION: complete
2.15 BT to liaise with Charlie Green (Student Life Co-ordinator) to get up to date with any research into the He For She campaign
ACTION: complete
2.16 BT to email zone student groups to let them know that development funding is available (if there is some left in the pot)
ACTION: complete
2.17 LB to contact Paul Davie, Tech Manager following up from the confetti incident to highlight the importance of considering the environmental impact through risk assessment.
This is still to be completed.
ACTION: ongoing: LB to contact Paul Davie, Tech Manager following up from the confetti incident to highlight the importance of considering the environmental impact through risk assessment.