The minutes for the previous Sustainability Zone Committee meeting were approved. The previous meeting was declared not quorate by the Chair, and therefore the minutes from Dec were reviewed in this meeting. A review is given below. Some action points have been carried over from the previous meeting, see list of Actions.
In the review of actions from the previous meeting, the following points were noted:
2.1 BT and SB update on meeting with the University’s Head of Equality & Diversity, including regarding discussion on plans for gender neutral toilets and gender neutral titles in student records system. (BT & SB)
BT and SB have been in discussions with the University about this and the University have said that it is possible to adjust signage on some toilet facilities, but are waiting for Estates and Facilities to take this further. BT has been in contact with the University about gender neutral titles and the diversity committee are looking into it.
ACTION: BT to follow up with the University at a later date about the status of actions for gender neutral toilets and gender neutral titles in student records system.
2.2 PD to ask TA regarding update on University discussions regarding gender neutral toilet planning. (PD)
Status as above. BT is taking the lead on communications with the University.
No further action required.
2.3 BT and LB to meet and figure out student participant numbers for 2013-14 E&E events (including E&E Week) – for use in Sustainability Zone reporting. (BT & LB)
This is ongoing. BT and LB had a discussion on how student participation numbers could be recorded. TS has talked with both LB and SB individually to discuss how student participation nd engagement can be measured for events, campaigns and social media interaction. LB mentioned it is difficult to estate footfall on concourse. BT has said that BT and NW tried to calculate the footfall on the concourse for BEES NUS reporting so have a rough estimate. PD said that estates have no figure for the concourse footfall but the calculated rough estimate/best guess probably will not be far off.
ACTION: BT, LB, SB and TS to follow up and discuss best methods to record student engagement and participation
ACTION: WB to share method of BEES NUS reporting of student engagement with TS
2.4 Update on discussion of option of a central SUSU travel policy, for student groups funding, in the New Year (BT)
BT noted that this was related to Sabbs potentially getting railcards to make travel cheaper and student groups considering travel options in more depth. BT updated that Student Groups Committee are already looking at the funding guidelines and will be looking into travel as part of this. BT happy for this to be left in the meantime as student groups are looking to it.
BT asked if the zone committee thoughts on if Union should have a sustainable travel policy. LB mentioned that the University are looking into this and have put together an overview of sustainable staff travel at the University. LB suggested we could look at that and adapt for a Union travel policy. PD mentioned that there is a University travel policy but at the moment the University is focusing on external long distance travel of academics. LB noted that there is a Travel document that has been written by a department for all staff and the University are looking to take this forward for all departments. SM indicated that there needs to be clarification of what the policy will entail. BT suggested as it is being created by the sustainability zone that is should be mainly about ‘green’ travel options. LB and TS highlighted that is important to consider all the options as economics does fall into sustainability and cost-effectiveness and sustainability. SB asked if there is a Union staff travel policy BT does not think so and SM said there is no specific policy but staff are encouraged to go for the most cost-effective option. BT mentioned there is also the cycle to work scheme.
ACTION: BT to find out what stage Student Groups are at with reviewing funding and how travel fits into this and feedback to the Zone Committee
ACTION: LB to follow up on the new potential University sustainable travel policy and feedback to the Zone Committee.
2.5 Decide changes or additional questions to put forward for the annual Student/Staff Sustainability survey
BT noted that the survey has already been released.LB and BT contributed to the content of the survey. The survey is still open and attendees are encouraged to complete this as it will provide valuable feedback.
No further action required.
2.6 Update on potential for co-ordinated SUSU sourcing and buying for hoodies (PD)
This is in reference for sourcing of hoodies for clubs/societies. SB mentioned that this is related to the E&E policy. TS added it is looking at not-for-sale hoodies. BT noted that this could be difficult as sports have just revamped their range and buy from a separate supplier and societies source their own. LB suggested an option could be setting up a relationship with a supplier that all groups need to go through but need to maintain cost-effectiveness. BT mentioned that all used to go through Wessex Clothing. PD noted that is still open and trading by relocated and clarified that we do not have a specific agreement with them at present. PD noted that there have been talks about a potential student enterprise set up along these lines that would work well with the Shop on Top. BT and EC mentioned there is a student social enterprise that does some work with hoodies (HoodAid), but are not sure exactly what or how well established they are. PD noted that most clothes in the shop are Fair Trade and these can get printed on. SM asked about the number of hoodies, BT is unsure. EC questions on the level of restriction that students group would have if this was set up. BT noted that it would vary according the direction of the policy. LB noted that suggesting a supplier as an option for student groups might be the best option. BT suggested that it could be that student committees must use a set supplier. SB noted that this in E&E policy already and there needs to be a procedure for enforcing the policy. WB added that Epona could be a potential supplier as this is where hoodies are sourced for Blackout.
ACTION: TS to look at options of sourcing sustainable clothing (including Wessex Clothing) and to find out what other SU’s are doing in regards to this.
ACTION: TS to check the existing policy of this and feedback to the zone committee.
2.7 Take ideas on SUSU's E&E policy priority areas to discuss with Chief Exec (BT)
SM is in attendance at this committee meeting and BT has updated SM on priority areas.
No further action required.
2.8 Discuss topic of food waste with Sue Brindley, regarding ‘communicating SUSU’s processes on Food Waste’ (PD)
This action has come about due to E&E deciding to focus on waste this year and that students want to know what is happening to their food waste. MN noted that this is a work in progress. Caroline Couch is in talks with Sue Brindley to find ways of streaming and reducing waste alongside Wars. This is ongoing in a separate boardroom committee.
ACTION: LB to contact Sue Brindley to get an update on the progress of reducing food waste and to communicate this to the student body (e.g. blog and/or news article
ACTION: BT to provide LB with contact details of Sue Brindley.
2.9 Share E&E Committee meeting dates with PD and MN to attend (LB)
LB noted this action is still to be completed.
ACTION: LB to invite PD and MN to the next and all future E&E committee meetings.
2.10 Share Employability PID at the next meeting (BT)
BT noted this is complete and the Employability PID is in the Agenda for discussion.
No further action required.
2.11 Discuss with SB (E&D) and LB (E&E) regarding outlining committees’ events planned
TS noted that this is complete and will be review at the start of every academic year.
No further action required.
2.12 Ahead of Sustainability Zone Committee meetings, circulate the most recent zone budget report in committee papers (TK/ zone coordinator)
This was completed and will be circulated with all papers for committee meetings in the future.
No further action required.