The minutes for the previous Sustainability Zone Committee meeting were approved. A review is given below. Some action points have been carried over from the previous meeting, see list of Actions.
In the review of actions from the previous meeting, the following points were noted:
2.1 Ongoing: Arrange meeting with University’s Diversity Officer to discuss plans for gender neutral toilets, and introducing neutral titles in student records system (BT)
Regarding meeting with the University’s Head of Equality & Diversity, Kamaljit Kerridge-Poonia, BT updated that BT and SB have delivered a proposal to Kamaljit and a meeting has been arranged for after Christmas, so awaiting discussion. To be updated on at the next zone committee meeting.
ACTION: BT and SB update on meeting with the University’s Head of Equality & Diversity, including regarding discussion on plans for gender neutral toilets and gender neutral titles in student records system. (BT & SB).
2.2 Ongoing: Update on University discussions, plus Sussex University visit, regarding gender neutral toilet planning for SUSU (TA)
On the potential University discussions, plus visit to Sussex University regarding gender neutral toilet planning, PD updated that they are still awaiting a trip to Sussex, and noted no discussion to update on from TA as yet.
ACTION: PD to ask TA regarding update on University discussions regarding gender neutral toilet planning. (PD)
2.3 Ongoing: chase up the numbers on student participants for previous E&E events, including E&E week.(BT)
For update on numbers of student participants for previous E&E events (in 2013-14), BT and LB will meet to sort these figures to provide for reporting.
ACTION: BT and LB to meet and figure out student participant numbers for 2013-14 E&E events (including E&E Week) – for use in Sustainability Zone reporting. (BT & LB)
2.4 Ongoing: explore the option of a central SUSU travel policy, for student groups funding. (TA)
BT updated she has brought this issue up at a recent Sabbatical team meeting, as it is a widely affecting issue. BT is unclear if there needs to be policy or guidelines or other means – and noted that a lot of information will come out of the student groups funding/bank guidelines in the new year, once the SUSU Bank is up and running.
ACTION: Update on discussion of option of a central SUSU travel policy, for student groups funding, in the new year (BT)
2.5 Ongoing: Check feasibility of Recycle on your Doorstep - obtain figures on amount collected, plus discuss options with TA, and update on reply from University regarding British Heart Foundation collection bin on-site (BT)
BT noted that this was not conducted as a doorstep collection, as collection bins were instead located on the Redbrick (SUSU) - awaiting figures for amount collected.
2.6 Ongoing: Ask Julia Kendal (UoS, Sustainability Action) regarding the Sustainability Survey's timescale and content (LB)
LB updated that some draft survey questions have been circulated to staff, for comments and additions – feedback is invited so the committee is to consider what changes or additional questions they want to put forward.
ACTION: Decide changes or additional questions to put forward for the annual Student/Staff Sustainability survey
2.7 Update on participant numbers for the Sustainability e-learning module at the next meeting (LB)
LB provided figures; over 1000 people had accessed the e-learning module by October – this is assumed to be 1500 at present. Further promotion will take place at the beginning of next year.
2.8 Promote SUSU's Your Skills training opportunities for this term, to students (team)
The team have been actively promoting the Your Skills training opportunities.
2.9 Forward ideas for Inspiring Women event speaker (team)
BT updated that the event ran very successfully, with over 100 attendees, a range of engaging speakers and info stands and stalls, including student groups such as FemSoc and LGBT Society.
2.10 Identify who buys hoodies across the organisation, and consider if sourcing and buying can be co-ordinated - talk with SUSU Marketing team (BT)
BT noted that most clothing was ordered through Wessex Clothing, which had an outlet on campus – this outlet has now closed and moved, and online orders can also be made. PD updated that there may be a possibility of printing via The Shop, and will provide an update at the next meeting.
ACTION: Update on potential for co-ordinated SUSU sourcing and buying for hoodies (PD)
2.11 Follow up and clarify the situation with SUSU's participation in the Procurement Flexible Framework (TK)
TK noted this is still to be clarified; when discussed with Scott Malcolmson (previous SUSU Facilities Manager) it was not known whether SUSU had agreed to the Framework. PD updated that Neil Smith (University’s Environment Manager, leaving post) has mentioned it, and from the University’s point of view SUSU is part way there, though would need to clarify action being taken, via actual stated policy. However, the question remains regarding whether SUSU has officially agreed to participate in the Framework. PD will first discuss with TA, ready to discuss further in the new year.
2.12 Take ideas on SUSU's E&E policy priority areas to discuss with Chief Exec (BT)
BT noted this action is to be completed.
ACTION: Take ideas on SUSU's E&E policy priority areas to discuss with Chief Exec (BT)
2.13 Begin drafting plans of work E&E could cover, for E&E policy priority areas (LB)
LB noted this will be discussed at the E&E Committee meeting later today (8th December); to formalise the E&E policy priority areas. Focus will be on waste and recycling.
2.14 Check on process of Zone's feedback for Union Plan, with DMW (DMW, BT)
BT updated that rather than zone feedback at present, feedback is currently being taking at Union Council, and there will be consultation with zones in the new year.
2.15 Chase up on the E&E logo (BT)
SB has designed the E&E logo and banners, which now have a great design!
2.16 Ongoing: Update on ‘communicating SUSU’s processes on Food Waste’ and discussion, at the next meeting (TA)
PD highlighted that SUSU actually does not produce a huge amount of food waste, so this is very positive. However, EC noted that it would be worth checking this issue, as she receives numerous emailed questions about food waste in SUSU, including regarding potential use of spare food items for charitable use.
PD will discuss the topic of food waste with Sue Brindley (Catering Manager), and will update at the next meeting; clearly if there is indeed not much food waste to report on, there is little to communicate on the issue.
ACTION: Discuss topic of food waste with Sue Brindley, regarding ‘communicating SUSU’s processes on Food Waste’ (PD)