install more CCTV cameras in and outside Union buildings and around campus
Lily Browne submitted on
Monday 28th October 2019
There have been spiking instances within Stags which could not be resolved partly due to no CCTV in order to help identify the culprit, and more recently an incident in Stags toilets which could have been resolved or potentially avoided had there been appropritaely placed CCTV cameras to that side of the builidng's windows.
Assaults on university campuses are surprisngly high, yet Highfield campus seems to lack enough CCTV to keep us safe, especially in environments where people are drinking and can therefore become vulnerable, and as it is particulalry dark on campus at night.
CCTV is not unusual or even outrageously costly, and the cost of protecting students is priceless in comparison.
Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.
Students' Union replied on
Tuesday 17th Dec 2019 11:43am
Hi Lily!
Thanks for your email,
I understand this concern. Firstly, SUSU having cctv cameras wouldn't be legally allowed to be there to prosecute people, but for security. Only the police can use and gather footage in cases of criminal law, and the quality of CCTV cameras also wouldn't be able to capture people's faces. However, I agree that there should be something there to either deter or catch people when things are done.
To respond to the incident you refer to, the windows are now locked shut, so they cant be opened, and the windows themselves are blurred out so they cant be looked into.
We are able to put dummy cameras on site to deter people, but it costs thousands to put actual ones up in places (such as toilet corridors) where people won't feel comfortable.
But, there are many safety measures. There is CCTV cameras in and around all of the bars except Stags, which I have asked a member of staff to find cost so that we can put one in. The campus security team also do many rounds around campus, including the Union areas, and they also now have body cameras. Further, we have trained our support and bar staff in how to deal with incidents, and we have a security team that is on Stags door as well.
I definitely understand the concerns around assaults on campus, we are no different to any other campus or common area where people make bad decisions, get too drunk or any other reason. I do not believe this is down to lack of CCTV but down to lack of education in the student body around certain issues. We have identified this gap, as well as a gap around empowering bars and support staff in knowing how to identify and deal with vulnerable and difficult situations.
I fully take your suggestion on board and we will explore options of having a camera in the stags and doing more consultation within the bars team about what they experience and how we can better support them
Laura Barr
VP Welfare and Community
Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community
Friday 1st Nov 2019 1:13pm
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