Crisp packet recycling (TerraCycle)

Anonymous submitted on

Sunday 27th October 2019


TerraCycle is a company who recyle all sorts of different products not usually recycled by kerbside recycling. They offer various schemes, of which some are free and others are paid for. 

One I do personally is crisp packet recycling (by dropping my packets to a local "drop-off location"). Due to the vast number of students and staff at the university (and the masses of crisps students eat), why don't SUSU create a drop-off location?

This would involve SUSU creating a drop-off point (perhaps in the concourse) Some programs provide free postage, others are "full", so require dropping off to another location, but perhaps someone (maybe the sustainability officer) could take charge of this and transport the packets to a local drop-off location?

Alternatively, the Union could pay into some of the schemes, for example contact lens, cereal bags, dairy tubs, snack packaging, oral care waste, plastic bags bottle caps. A lot of these are also free is someone is willing to transport them to the nearest drop-off location. 

These schemes would fit ideally into both the student and Union mindset (following the zero waste shop opening) and would mean so much less waste going to landfill. On top of this, think about positive Union publicity!

The webisite is:

- Brad


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 17th Dec 2019 11:37am

Hi Brad,

Thank you for your You Make Change submission.

We actually now have a crisp packet recycling scheme! You can find the bin in the entrance to the concourse in Building 42. There are signs on it to explain what it is so you can't miss it!


Kind regards,

Emily Harrison,

SUSU President, 2019-20


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 1st Nov 2019 1:08pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Tasneem Najmudin commented on

Tuesday 11th Oct 2022 4:22pm

Can you redesign the crisp recycling boxes so that they only have slits. This would prevent students from throwing other types of rubbish in them.

Corin Holloway commented on

Friday 1st Nov 2019 3:00pm

This is currently being implemented!

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