You Are More Than Your Studies
As we head into exam season remember, you are more than your studies. Make sure that alongside studying and revision you take some time to relax, do something you enjoy and check-in on your mental health and wellbeing.
The Advice Centre at SUSU offer practical advice and help for academic, housing and financial issues. The University's Student Hub offer mental health and wellbeing support, as well as support for students with disabilities, mental health conditions or specific learning difficulties.

Cupcake Decorating with BakeSoc
Thursday 01 June, 18:00 - 20:00, The Bridge: Come and decorate your very own cupcake and destress from exams with our Baking Society! All materials provided. Free event, booking required.
Book your free ticket
Wellbeing Wednesdays
Every Wednesday The Advice Centre are providing free soup, hot drinks, biscuits and a support drop-in. No appointment needed, just come along to chat to our team and/or collect your soup. Available 13:00 - 16:00 every Wednesday.
WSA Summer BBQ
Friday 26 May, 14:00 - 15:00, WSA lawn outside East building: Join us for our FREE WSA Summer BBQ on the grass outisde the WSA Cafe! Free event, booking required.
Book your free ticket
Free Zumba
Tuesday 16, Tuesday 23 and Tuesday 30 May, 17:00 - 18:00, Activities Room B42: Zumba Society are hosting three free Zumba sessions for you to enjoy! Free event, booking required.
Book your free ticketGive It a Go: DIY Your Own Stress Ball
Thursday 18 May, 14:00 - 16:00, SUSU B42: Looking for a fun and creative way to de-stress after a long day of studying? Come to our stress ball painting workshop! All materials provided. Free event, booking required.
Book your free ticketGive It a Go: Painting and Relaxing Workshop
Take a break and relax by painting a flowerpot or mug to take home with you! We are running three sessions at WSA, Highfield and Avenue campuses. All materials provided. Free event, booking required.
Tuesday 23 May, 14:00 - 16:00, WSA Cafe.
Thursday 25 May, 14:00 - 16:00, SUSU B42, Highfield campus.
Friday 26 May, 14:00 - 16:00, Avenue Cafe.
Book a free WSA ticket Book a free Highfield ticket Book a free Avenue ticketUnion Films: Wall-E
Sunday 28 May, 18:00 - 21:00, Union Films (Level 3, B42): Watch the Disney Pixar classic, Wall-E, for free at Union Films! "WALL-E is the last robot left on Earth. He spends his days tidying up the planet, one piece of garbage at a time. But during 700 years, WALL-E has developed a personality, and he's more than a little lonely. Then he spots EVE, a probe sent back to Earth on a scanning mission. Smitten WALL-E embarks on his greatest adventure yet when he follows EVE across the galaxy." Free event, booking required.
Book your free ticket
Free Meditation Session
Thursday 18 May, 17:00 - 18:00, Faith and Reflection Centre: Take a break from the exam period with a guided meditation hosted by Meditation Society. Free event, booking required.
Book your free ticket
Free Smoothies
Enjoy a FREE smoothie on us!
Thursday 18 May, 10:00 - 11:00, WSA Cafe
Monday 22 May, 10:00 - 11:00, Avenue Cafe
Friday 26 May, 10:00 - 11:00, NOCS Cafe
Friday 02 June, 10:00 - 11:00, Highfield campus
Monday 05 June, 10:00 - 11:00, Highfield campus

Free Ice Creams
Enjoy a FREE ice cream on us!
Tuesday 16 May, 12:00 - 13:00, NOCS Cafe
Tuesday 23 May, 14:00 - 16:00, WSA Cafe
Thursday 25 May, 12:00 - 13:00, Highfield campus
Tuesday 30 May, 14:00 - 15:00, Avenue Cafe
Thursday 01 June, 12:00 - 13:00, Highfield campus
Tuesday 06 June, 12:00 - 13:00, Highfield campus

Free Breakfast at The Plant Pot
Tuesday 23 May, Tuesday 30 May, Tuesday 06 June, 10:00 - 11:00, The Plant Pot: Enjoy a FREE vegan breakfast item from The Plant Pot! We'll be opening early so you can start your day with a great breakfast. First come, first served.

Study Spaces at SUSU
There are lots of spaces at SUSU where you can grab a table and a drink while revising, or find a quiet space to do some studying. These include The Bridge (Level 4 B42), Veg Out (Level 3 B42), Bar 3 (Level 3 B42), Below Deck (Level 2 B42), and The Stag's (B40).