Wellbeing Support
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Wellbeing Support
Here is a list of external wellbeing and mental health resources that are available to help you, in addition to all the charities and support services. Please remember that you can access your local GP for help with both your physical but also your mental health. If you do not have a GP, contact Health watch on 0300 777 7007 to find one near you. They can also put you in touch with an out-of-hours GP service for urgent issues.

The Advice Centre
The Advice Centre provides free, independent, and confidential advice and information to all students on practical matters.

For anyone who is struggling to cope and who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.

Mind is a mental health charity, focused on providing advice and support to empower those experiencing mental health problems.

Student Minds
A UK student mental health charity, who empower students to look after their own mental health, support others and create change.

Rethink Mental Illness
A mental health charity, especially focused on the stigma surround mental health issues and strive for equality for all those affected by mental illness.

A leading movement against suicide, available every day from 17:00 until midnight 365 days a year.

A national charity which is dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. There’s a variety of ways to get in touch and they are open every day from 09:00 until midnight.

A wide variety of information, support services and resources specifically for students have been put together by the NHS.

Charlie Waller Trust
Various resources for University Students to learn about mental health.

British Medical Association
24/7 dedicated support to all medical students.