
Sustainability Zone (7th February 2019)


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Name of Committee Sustainability Zone
Date and time 7th February 2019, 10:00
Present Members
Vice President Welfare Isabella Camilleri
Open Place Member Zoe Booth
Equality & Diversity Officer Fleur MacInnes
Open Place Member Ned Williams
Open Place Member Zoe Gough
Absent with Apologies Open Place Member Yanna Alexia Fidai
Vice President Student Communities Emily Harrison
Open Place Member Laura Jeffers
Ethical & Environmental Officer Lucy Stephenson
1. Attendance and apologies


See above.


Also in attendance: Ilona Bartlett (Activities Coordinator), David Hendry and Corin Holloway

2. Review and release previous minutes


Results of the recycling trial done by the university were inconclusive. The plan is to continue with improved marketing campaign. IC to chase. Important to include the difference between city/uni/halls recycling. This information should also go onto the webpage, possible in Freshers packs, on the outdoor screens, on social media and potentially a video.

Please contribute ideas/content for the webpage to the working document – IC to send out.

IC confirmed that there are now additional bin collections in the library over busy exam periods – noticeable improvement over January exams this year (FMI).

Downstairs in the library the bins appear to be split but actually go in to the same container – IC to enquire.


IC to send results of her meeting with Kerry re scholarships for refugees and asylum seekers to FMI for Wessex Scene article.

IB to ensure WAM soc and STAR soc are invited to next meeting to discuss this.


Self-contained gender neutral toilets (GNTs) are now available to see on Southampton maps under the ‘amenities’ layer:

IC to share google doc for zone to contribute any additional self-contained toilets so they can be added and the signage change. Helpful to provide longitude and latitude (available via an app).

IC to enquire about getting the layers available on the maps app as well as the website.


Login for Sustainability Instagram account shared – please contact IB for details if required.


Minutes approved and released.

3. Officer Updates


LS (E&E Officer)

See attached report.


FMI (Equality and Diversity Officer)

Video describing how to increase accessibility of social media posts to be completed soon.



Anyone interested in environmental volunteering is welcome to talk to Corin on facebook.


Conservation Volunteers:

Biodiversity hub:



Planning underway for National Day of Unplugging on 1st March to encourage people to not use their phone or laptop.



USH library has a really good system for recycling. This is run by the Trust, so the library manager might be good to speak to.

4. VP Welfare Updates

New compostable ‘butterfly cup’ to be rolled out in union after Vegware stock used up.

Receipts are no longer being automatically printed in the Shop.

To help reduce food waste in the café, vouchers are being offered to students already in receipt of food vouchers form the hardship fund that entitles them to free access to any food left over. This trial started in Jan and I being overseen by IC.

Plastic packaging of soap in the Shop eco range brought up and now changed.

Feb is LGBT+ History Month. Please come to the Pride parade and party on Feb 28th. We are using up the stock of Pride waving flags from last year – next year IB to ensure a purchase of more sustainable option.

Sustainability Screenings now on Union Films website. First screening had 24 people attend.

All please complete and share the sustainability survey:

Intend to run a sustainability zone collaboration event with the societies, as well as showcasing what SUSU are doing and volunteering opportunities for volunteering.

                Waste/recycling awareness raising


                Business cards with main sustainability media channels?

Pack for Good, in collaboration with the council and BHF, is intending to run in halls, the city and onsite this year (in place of Shift Your Stuff).

                Ensure to target international students specifically.

IC to speak to Pip about viability/value of Paperclip.

IB to find out more info on previous years’ clothes swaps.

IC to raise with university issue of sending out housing confirmations too late, so that everyone buys utensils/appliances so there are 5 of each item in each house, leading to a lot of waste at moveout.

Global Recycling Day is 18th March.

5. AOB

IC to speak to Luke re packaging of fresh food in the shop.

IB to send round any relevant information that comes from Residences Action Week meeting with halls.

Register to Vote drive in early April? Potential for collaboration with External Engagement and Democracy zones.

Next year’s E&D Officer to start thinking about Disability History Month much earlier, as the month is over Christmas you need to get in early to book a space. FMI to include this in handover.

Transgender Awareness Week – some feedback from the panel event included it being hard to hear, and potentially too open. Debating Union may be interested in providing a moderator for small group discussions.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)