Officers Reports for Joint Honours Officer and FPSE are attached.
FH – Petra commended on how well the online option choices worked, with no major problems. There have also been dissertation extensions in humanities due to the strikes.
FSHMS – Adrian had nothing major to report.
VP Education- Sam thanked the FOs/student leaders on the information they provided about hands ins for dissertations. The You Are More Than Your Diss worked very well, with locations at Hartley Library, Avenue and the Concourse in Building 42. The event included handing out hot drinks and highlighters, which all went down very well.
Sam also thanked those who attended the Student Forum on 2nd May, although the turnout was not as good as expected. Sam will feed back to the university on a few points about how the forums should look in the future (ideally 2 forums before Easter and exams kick in). Sam is also keen for the university to support local faculty forums as well for the next academic year.
Sam promoted the Academic Rep BBQ and hoped to see all reps and Education Zone members there on the 15th May at 16:00 in Bar2.