Core Offer Events
Archers Road - Around 10 people attended the quiz night. For the future it would work better if more advertisement of the event were out
Chamberlain Halls - Would like to continue relationship with Quiz Soc. Looking to hold a stress free weekend in the build up to the exam period. Would like to invite Yoga Soc/Buddist Meditation Society. Chamberlain Committee explained for their pizza nights they only handed pizza to groups of students to ensure people didnt disappear with whole pizzas for one person.
Connaught Halls - Pizza Night really succesful. Engaged around 120+ students. The committee advised that the timing for the quizzes were not ideal in all cases. It would be good to review these for when they take place again.
Highfield Halls - Pizza and Quiz Nights really successful with around 50 people attending the pizza night and 30 people attending the quiz night.
Gateway Halls - Pizza and Quiz night went really well. The committee advised that this highlights how events with food can attract people.
Monte Halls - Huge turnout for the Pizza Night with students queing for food. The committee suggested that for future pizza nights it may work to do an eventbrite ticket.
LP - Huge turnout for Pizza Night. Would like to make future events more engaging than just pizza though.
Mayflower Halls - Pizza Night went really well, held in the common room, saw lots of new students who had not previously engaged. Student Life Team held a Superbowl evening which was also a success.
The committee agreed that the core offer is working well. The committee added that more students will engage if the events/campaigns are advertised better.