Guy provided an overview of the funding policy and explained that we will still be keeping the ‘How to’ guides that are on the website as they are more accessible.
Allocation of storage space and room bookings: Space will be reviewed every year. Currently, this does not happen. We could explain to the University that we need more space and try to include this in the Feasibility Study that the University are carrying out. Michael Sims asked how hard it is to ask the University for more space. Guy answered that there are restrictions from the City Council about building on green land and also, the University do not like building storage space as it is not seen as the most efficient use of space. Guy ran though general booking procedure e.g. booking rooms and space on campus. There needs to be more communication when discussing block bookings e.g. for UF on particular days. Michael Sim suggested speaking to iSolutions about the forms required when booking University space for external speakers and making them readily available on their site, similar to how SUSU process bookings.
Advertising: Sabbaticals and relevant staff are meeting this week to discuss a new procedure for student group advertising in the Union building.
Allocation of funding: funds are there to assist student groups, not run them. It outlines the new funding rounds which were discussed in a previous meeting. Biggest cause of problems with funding is incorrect group bank details; student groups need to make sure they give the right account details. Looking into introducing a new finance system but we are currently awaiting recruitment of staff who will lead on this.
- New Events pot as mandated by the policy
- What we do and don’t fund is also included
- Sports Development Zone and PA have separate guidelines; these are outlined in the paper
- Reiterated that the Zones look over funding
- Formalising the current procedure with PA committee and caps on budgets
- Capital funding: clarifying this pot of funding
- Clarifying procedure behind loans to student groups
Transport: clarifies the procedure behind hiring out of minibuses.
During previous discussion about this policy, creating an appeals process was suggested, however it was thought that this may not be the best option. Instead, groups can arrange a meeting with the relevant Sabbatical Officer and discuss, in detail, why their application was rejected.
Chris suggested that there should be procedure included for student groups who get into debt. A final draft of this paper will hopefully be ready by the end of the week.