
Name of Committee Union Council
Date and time 9th June 2014, 10:30

64 voting members
Show all members

In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
Invited Ben Morton
Policy Ideas
1. Questions to candidates

Questions to candidates  in the by-election for the position of Vice-President Student Communities will precede the meeting of Union Council.

11:30am Formal Business
2. Welcome and apologies

Quorum: 45

3. Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st May 2014: 

4. Matters arising from the previous meeting
P 5. Membership matters
P 6. Financial matters
7. Feedback from today's session

There is none, as there was no ideas session at this meeting.

8. Action from previous ideas session

The previous ideas session discussed the ideas for the Annual General Meeting.

P 9. Policy Proposals

a. Improved Leadership and Representation Policy

(Proposed: Emily Shepherd; Seconded: David Gilani)

b. Sport for All

(Proposed: Evan Whyte; Seconded: Adam Proudley)

c. Return of the Cat Statue

(Proposed: Katy O'Brien; Seconded: Marcus Burton)

P 10. Zone Reports and Updates
P 11. Officer reports and questions
12. Union Council Stars
P 13. Any other business

Please notify all matters of AOB to the Chair before the start of the meeting.

a. Southampton University Rugby Football Club - disciplinary case

The attached papers relate to a disciplinary case brought against Southampton University Rugby Football Club, and comprise the original hearing (heard by Disciplinary Committee), the first part of the appeal (heard by Appeals Committee) and the second part of the appeal (also heard by Appeals Committee).

b. Emergency Policy Proposal - Union Snooker Room (1314P30)

(Proposed: Matthew Burton; Seconded: Thomas Foley)


14. Date and time of next meeting

The first meeting of Union Council in the 2014-15 academic year will take place on Monday 20th October 2014, in the Senate Room at 6pm.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)