
Name of Committee Union Council
Date and time 21st October 2013, 18:00

64 voting members
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In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
Policy Ideas
P 1. Managing External speakers
2. Union Council dates, times & locations
3. Activities and presence at sites
4. Payday Lenders
Formal Business
5. Welcome and apologies for absence
P 6. Minutes of the previous meeting
7. Matters arising from the previous meetings
Membership & Financial
8. Membership matters

a). Close of nominations for Open Place Union Councillors, speeches and opening of voting

Election: Nominate yourself via the SUSU website (any student can stand, members of Union Council can vote).

b). Election of student representatives on University Committees

Election: Nominate yourself at this point. The election is conducted during the meeting (any student can stad, members of Union Council can vote). The positions are: 

3 representatives on University Senate, 8 representatives on University Court and 1 representative on Military Education Committee.

c). Appointment of Sabbatical Officers to Zone committees

Vote: That the appointments be approved (members of Union Council can vote). 

Creative Industries Zone: VP Education; Democracy Zone: VP Sports Development; Sustainability: VP Student Communities; Student Communities Zone: VP Welfare; Student Life Zone: VP Engagement; Sports Development Zone: VP Sports Communities; External Enagement: VP Sports Development; Education Zone: VP Democracy and Creative Industries.

d). Student representatives pool for Disciplinary Committee

Nomination: Members of Union Council will be selected at random as and when required from a list of Union Council members to sit on this committee. Members wishing to opt out should write their name and "opt out" on their voting cards.

e). Close of voting for Open Place Union Councillors and announcement of results

f). Election of Union Council representatives to Zone committees 

P 9. Financial matters

a). Approval of Finanical Scedule 

b). Approval of expenditure: 3 year insurance proposal

10. Feedback from today's session
11. Action from previous ideas session
12. Policy proposals
P 13. Zone reports and updates

a). Zone Strategies

b). Democracy Zone: Policy Review Group Update

P 14. Officer plans 2013-2014
P 15. Officer reports and questions
Other business
16. Union Council Stars
17. Any other business

Please notify all matters of AOB to the chair before the start of the meeting

18. Date and time of next meeting

2nd December 2013, Senate Room, Building 37

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)