
Name of Committee Union Senate
Date and time 20th November 2018, 14:00
Place The Plant Pot
Chair of Senate Tom Radford
Senator Zakaria Al Shmaly
Senator Amalia-Andreea Cojocar
Senator Katy Davies
Senator Joel Jordan
Senator Galyna Mandra
Senator Katja Stout
Senator Nazrin Wilkinson
Senator Channing Eady-Gately
Senate Representative - External Engagment Zone Charlotte Colombo
Senate Representative - Student Communities Zone Arvin De Vera
Senate Representative - Sustainability Zoe Booth
Senate Representative- Education Zone Adrian Li
Senate Representative-Creative Industries Zone Isaac Treuherz
Senate Representative - Student Life Zone Emily Whelan
Senate Representative - Democracy Zone Ned Williams
Senate Representative - Sports Development Zone Tara Granea
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Minutes from previous meeting
3. Update on Actions

Strike Action: To make contact with the CEO of Surrey to discuss consequences of the restructure they had. To be passed to the next Union President.

Union Stars: The Chair of Senate was working on incorporating a recognition scheme to Union Senate similar to the Union Stars used internally for staff.

Senate Training: The Chair of Senate asked that the role of Union Senator and Chair of Senate be reviewed and the training updated.

Welfare of Academics: Laura and Sam D were actioned to have a meeting regarding research by Student Minds UK about pastoral training for academics and staff at University.

Bar 3 toilet: Sam H was actioned to ensure the problem with the lock was fixed.

Profit on sustainable items: Sam H was also actioned to look at the price margin on sustainable items in the shop.

GDPR and membership: Evie was actioned to investigate with staff whether the new system for Clubs and Societies Membership is secure.

Student volunteers: Evie was actioned to look at the protocol for asking student volunteers to cover events.

Quoracy at Senate: To be investigated with regards to attendance and votes outside of the meeting.

Laptop Ban: The Sabbatical Team were actioned to address the student disatisfaciton around the Laptop ban.

Senate Reports and Papers
P 4. Sabbatical Officers Plans
P 5. Reports from the Sabbatical Officers
6. Questions from Senators
7. You Make Change
P 8. Zone Reps Reports
9. AOB

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)