
Name of Committee Annual General Meeting
Date and time 17th May 2017, 12:00
Place The Union
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
Annual General Meeting
1. Welcome and apologies
P 2. Minutes of the previous meeting

a. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 11th May 2016

P 3. Annual Reports

a. Receipt of Annual Accounts and Report of the Trustees for the year ending 31st July 2016, and approval of affiliations 2015-2016.


b. Reciept of the Impact Report

4. Appointment of auditors

It is proposed to continue the appointment of Crowe Clark Whitehill as auditors.

P 5. Resolution 1: Political Expenditure

Open Senate
P 6. Minutes of the previous meeting

a. Minutes of the Open Union Council of 11th May 2016

7. Matters Arising

Of the 41 ideas submissions we received, 35 of these were positively voted by the student body and will be taken forward next year. We will be discussing the top 20 of these ideas which have been listed below:

I think the Union should...

1. ...sell food cheaper towards the end of the trading day ( 414 net votes )

2. ...lobby for alternative study spaces outside the library ( 408 net votes )

3. ...stop card charges in Union Outlets ( 397 net votes )

4. ...lobby the University to provide more plug sockets in the library ( 383 net votes )

5. ...provide an Amazon locker on campus ( 362 net votes )

6. ...campaign for an overhaul of the Online Options Choice system ( 355 net votes )

7. ...provide meal deals in the Union Shop ( 354 net votes )

8. ...lobby the University to provide more seating in the library around exams ( 341 net votes )

9. ...provide cheaper food in the Union Outlets ( 338 net votes )

10. ...lobby the University for more printer credit ( 314 net votes )

11. ...lobby the University to improve library temperatures ( 304 net votes )

12. ...have more drinks promotions in the Stags ( 266 net votes )

13. ...improve the Jubilee Gym ( 264 net votes )

14. ...lobby the University for longer building opening hours ( 256 net votes )

15. ...provide more Microwaves ( 237 net votes )

16. ...lobby Sport and Wellbeing for a more constant gym price ( 229 net votes )

17. ...improve the hand dryers at the Union ( 226 net votes )

18. ...create a sustainable gym through equipment that produces electricity ( 221 net votes )

19. ...provide hot water in the library ( 215 net votes )

20. ...increase the frequency of the Unilink bus service over summer ( 206 net votes )

8. Action Plan Proposals
9. Any other business
10. Close of meeting

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)