Hoda - Setting up Q+A for Year 4 students about the change in assessments
- Working to inform more Year 5 students as well
- Working to get more Union presence at SGH
Giles - Went to a conference in Nottingham
- Looking into PGRs teaching
- Planning with Doctoral College to celebrate PGR students events
Tess - Met with the Dean and Associate Dean twice
- Raised issues around tutoring differences across different departments
- Set up Biological Sciences Facebook groups
- Posted polls about missed lectures and to see how students wanted to catch up
- Coursework dates have been set
- Working with others to improve tutoring
- Working to get Environmental Sciences graduation at Highfield
- Making students aware of feedback for optional modules for next year
Anthony - Equality and Diversity groups within faculty
- making staff more aware of academic representation
- working group to look into module surveys so that it is not just narrative
- Looking to change a course that is offered to make it more appealing
- Module choices are not timetabled properly so making changes to the system
- Circulation issues with students/staff
- ECS does not have a system for the NSS champion in place
- Change to course rep structure hasn’t worked as well as planned in the faculty
- Physics labs need to be refurbished and will be doing so
- Working to get more communication between Physics and ECS societies
- too many people to get everyone in a room together this term
- looking to do it next term instead
- optics want to run a student research conference
Sam - VLE policy to get a minimum standard to what goes on blackboard
- Refurbishment at Avenue
- Rep led projects with 25-30 in attendance last Wednesday and planning for
semester 2
- Working to improve the lack of advertising of Enabling provision
- Room booking issues (one person booked a computer room to use the whiteboard)
- Meeting between Aps and Society presidents taking place
- More Union events at avenue
- planning for elections on avenue
- Dean is coming to the next faculty forum