Kerry updated the Committee that the Democracy Review timeline had now changed due to the referendum and that Democracy Week would begin on 9th. Giles asked how the councillors idea would work at the next Council. It was explained that whilst their votes wouldn’t count, Council would take their decisions into consideration. Darren asked how open the trials would be. Kerry said that all the events would be open, but that openness was not necessarily a priority for trials such as the jury.
Kerry also explained that there wasn’t going to be one system that they would copy entirely, but would most likely opt for a hybrid of several different systems.
Alex asked who would chair the discussions in the forum trials and the Union Question Time. Kerry said the forum would likely be someone who has experience of chairing, whereas the Union Question Time could be someone from the student media groups.
Giles asked how the forums would work with the officers. Kerry said that the relevant officers would be invited as an expert when a topic had been chosen.
Jade asked how the councillors trial would work. Kerry said that two different ideas sessions could happen and compare what decisions they made.
Jamie asked what would happen if people didn’t turn up. Kerry said that that was an issue for every trial, but as a trial, quoracy would not necessarily be crucial.
Giles asked how the scrutiny panel would work if all the members of the panel were officers from the same zone. Kerry said the random selection could happen from each zone. Frazer said that being from the same zone might not necessarily be a problem and could actually be beneficial for scrutiny because the officers would probably know the context.
Giles asked about the Action Log policy and whether that would be incorporated into You Make Change. Kerry said that she would look into this.