
Name of Committee Democracy Zone
Date and time 15th November 2013, 14:00
Place Meeting Room 1
Vice President Sports Steve Gore
Union President Emily Dawes
Clubs and Societies Officer Jamie Hemingway
Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries Evie Reilly
Union Councillor Mayan Al-Shakarchy
Union Councillor Jamie Barker
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
Union Council Chair Katy O'Brien
Invited Vlad Novikov
1. Apologies and Attendance
P 2. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
Student Groups
P 3. Update on affiliations and funding
P 4. Intra-Mural Officer as a Student Leader

This paper was previously provisional, but has now been sent by Sports Zone Committee.

P 5. Creation of a new Media Officer position
P 6. Balancing Union Councillor positions
7. International Students' Officer: expanding electorate to all students
By-law changes
P 8. Democracy Zone by-law
Evie Reilly
P 9. Other Zone by-laws

By-laws previously marked with an asterisk as provisional were approved by Zone Committees which met on Thursday.

P 10. Report: Autumn elections
Emily Dawes
P 11. Report: JCR elections
Emily Dawes
12. JCR by-election: update
P 13. Proforma: Spring elections
Evie Reilly
Other business
P 14. Any other business

Vote Match system from Unlock Democracy

See the attached email we have recieved from Unlock Democracy, following several phone conversations.

15. Date of next meeting

Tuesday 7th January at 10am in Meeting Room 2

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)