a) By-election of Union Councillors
Election: Nominate yourself at this point. The election is conducted during the meeting. (Any student can stand, members of Union Council can vote). Positions are available for students who meet the following criteria: Post-graduate Taught (x2); Part time (x2); Mature Undergraduate (x1); Health Sciences (x2); Medicine (x2).
b) By-election of Union Council representative to Zone Committees
Election: Nominate yourself at this point. The election is conducted during the meeting. (Union Councillors and Student Leaders can stand, members of Union Council can vote).
One representative each on the Creative Industries Zone Committee and the Student Life Zone Committee.
c) Student representatives pool for Election Working Groups
Union Councillors will be selected at random from a list of interested Union Councillors. Once selected, this selection will last until after the Elections have finished. If you think you might run or support someone in a particular Election, you cannot be a member of that Election's Working Group. Members wishing to opt in should write their names on the paper provided.