Ultimate Frisbee

Southampton Skunks are the University of Southampton's Ultimate Frisbee club. We are super friendly and have men's, women's and mixed teams so whether you just want to chuck a frisbee around with some mates or you're looking to compete nationally at tournaments, come along and give our sport a try!

Highlight reel by Andrzej Zaród (a recent Skunk)


Overview of the sport:

Ultimate frisbee is a super fun, fast-paced, non-contact, team sport played all year round. Like a cross between American football and netball, the frisbee can be thrown in any direction but players cannot run whilst holding the frisbee and points are scored by catching the frisbee in an ‘endzone’. Turnovers occur when the disc goes out of bounds, is dropped or intercepted and games finish after reaching a score cap (often 15 points) or a set time (e.g. 20 minutes).



The sport has a mixed category as well as separate men’s and women’s divisions for both indoor (nice and warm in the winter!) and outdoor (bigger pitches = even more space to launch that disc!) so our top players can potentially play in four national tournaments a year! The outdoor BUCS season includes regular fixtures for the men’s and women’s teams home and away throughout the first semester.

We’re not exclusively competitive either: our club often has around 60 members! The majority of us actually prefer throwing a frisbee with some friends on the common or a chilled house-crawl social than the tournaments.



To reflect this huge breadth in our sport we have loads of training sessions varying from more informal and fun to more serious coaching aimed at competing nationally.

Whether you’re a human golden retriever (just looking for friends and a run around) or an ex national rugby player for your school (perhaps wanting something equally competitive but a lot less injury inducing!) you'll always be welcome in our club!


For more information Check out our Instagram or Facebook group:



If you are interested and have any questions or want to know more message us on instagram, or send us an email: skunks@soton.ac.uk 

Photo Gallery

The Committee

All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for Ultimate Frisbee this year are:

Samuel O'Connell
Club Coach
Isabella Wade
Kit Secretary
Isaac Dugas
Men's Captain
William Easeman
Ben Roberts
Karol Dmitriew
Kye Molindo
Social Secretary
Daniel Drake
Rachel Thompson
Women's Captain
Lucy Peevers
Women's Captain

Membership Information

These are the current membership fees offered by Ultimate Frisbee, although many clubs and societies offer a free period for new members to try out their activities.

Please note that some memberships of this group may also require you to purchase Sport & Wellbeing membership from the University of Southampton in order to use the relevant sport facilities
You must be a member of the Students' Union to join a club or society
NameCostValid PeriodDetails
Beginner year£30.0030/09/2024 - 28/09/2025For new members of the club wanting membership for a full year. This membership includes a free disc! You get access to all club training sessions and any additional sessions you are invited to participate in. If you are wanting to participate in BUCS matches/tournaments an additional payment to UK Ultimate will be required. More details about UK Ultimate memberships can be found here: https://www.ukultimate.com/membership/memberhip_types_explained
Returning year£40.0030/09/2024 - 28/09/2025For returning members of the club committed to a full year. It includes access to all club training sessions and any additional sessions you are invited to participate in. If you are wanting to participate in BUCS matches/tournaments an additional payment to UK Ultimate will be required. https://www.ukultimate.com/join
Returning second semester£20.0027/01/2025 - 19/09/2025For returning members of the club who want membership for Semester 2. If you are wanting to participate in BUCS matches/tournaments an additional payment to UK Ultimate will be required. More details about UK Ultimate memberships can be found here: https://www.ukultimate.com/membership/memberhip_types_explained
Beginner second semester£15.0027/01/2025 - 19/09/2025For new members of the club who want membership for Semester 2. If this is the first membership you are getting it also includes a free disc! If you want to participate in BUCS matches/tournaments an additional payment to UK Ultimate will be required. More details about UK Ultimate memberships can be found here: https://www.ukultimate.com/membership/memberhip_types_explained


Available products to purchase for Ultimate Frisbee


All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run

Download Constitution

Health & Safety

All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for Ultimate Frisbee are available to view below

Upcoming Events

Check out our upcoming events below:

Friday 07 Mar

Ultimate Frisbee Women in Sport Open Session

Team Southampton Sports Hall

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