Tamil Society

The Tamil Society brings together those who are captivated with the ideas and traditions of Tamil culture. It aims to organise social, cultural and sports events in order to raise money for charities and other worthy causes, as well as providing opportunities for individuals to participate in inter-university competitions. We hope that in the future, Tamil Society will become a gravitation point for people of all kinds to learn about the unique nature of Tamil culture, and South-Asian culture in general.

Tamil isn’t just a language. It defines a community. One defined by its centuries (if not millennia!) old language and culture. One not constricted by the borders of countries, spanning India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius and much more. One which is a proud ethnic group – rich in unique traditions and practices. 

At Southampton Tamil Society (STS) we aim to be a forward-thinking, social and supportive group of Tamils. Showcasing our heritage and talents, whilst having fun, is only part of what we do. Fundraising and raising awareness, for and about our community and its struggles, ensure that we fully meet our purpose as a society. But ultimately, it is that “home away from home” environment, that we really strive to achieve. A support network that is there for all of Southampton’s Tamil university community. In the past, our activities ranged from our STS Student Mentor Scheme; to our well-known, annual ‘Vaariya’ boat party; to our end of year ‘Thodarum …’ night-out, which fundraised for Adayaalam Centre for Policy Research, a not-for-profit research think-tank; to our very relaxed ‘Carrom and Chill’ evenings; to the screening of 47 Roots’ ‘Sri Lanka’s Disappeared’ documentary, which was followed by a short discussion; to a ‘Healthy Relationships Workshop’ run by the charity, ANBU-UK. 

Last year, we are proud to say we hosted the first panel discussion to be held by a non-London university Tamil society! ‘Past, Present, Future: The Evolution of Tamil Culture’, brought those of different generations and backgrounds, to touch on everything from the use and preservation of the Tamil language; to the pressures we face as a community, with specific references to gender and occupation; to the relevance of caste; to the post-war situation for Tamils living in Sri Lanka; and to the responsibilities that we face as societies and associations, but also as individuals. This event marked the beginning of a new relationship between ourselves and the Hampshire Tamil Association, who we are excited to continue to work with this year! We are an open society, that is ready to work with the wider community. For example, locally, we have collaborated with India and Asian Societies to hold a ‘Bhai or Bae?’ Valentine’s Day event. An example of our national collaborations includes the ‘Challenging Tamil Identity in the 21st Century’ panel discussion, hosted in conjunction with KCL Tamil Society. 

We also have a close relationship with the Southampton Gaana Dance Society, which has hosted dance workshops run by choreographers, Jeya Raveendran, Jeenu and Sagana. STS understands that sports are important to providing strength and pride to our community. Moreover, it is also a great way to have fun and make friends. We have football and netball teams that have regular fixtures – with dedicated Football and Netball Representatives to help organise the teams. Last year we participated in the TSI Legacy Tournament in London against other Tamil societies in the UK, as well as ‘The Asian Cricket Tournament’ of Asian Society, where the Tamil Society competed against teams from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka Societies in Southampton. 

Over the past 5 years, our society has grown, both in terms of size and what we do. But of course, we want to continue to expand upon our activities, and how we serve the Tamil communities at both universities. Our members make our society. Get involved and shape it for the better! “It is compassion, the most gracious of virtues, Which moves the world.” - Thiruvalluvar, a celebrated Tamil poet and philosopher (Thirukkural, Kural 571).

 Email us: sotontamilsoc@gmail.com Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat: @sotontamilsoc

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The Committee

All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for Tamil Society this year are:

Vakshara Udhayasankar
Charity & Sponsorship Rep
Avanish Asokkumar
Events Rep
Kirthya Lavanesan
Events Rep
Varsha Sivakumar Valarmathie
Events Rep
Asswatth Visakesan
Football Rep
Kavilaish Ravindran
Head of Events
Aksumee Kalaiselvan
Head of Freshers
Adchaya Mathiyalagan
Marketing Rep
Vahini Satkunapalan
Marketing Rep
Deloraa Sebastian
Netball Rep
Shuruthy Sripaskaran
Outreach Rep
Adchaya Apputhurai
Shiyaran Raveendran
Shanuka Sritharan
Vice President
Krishnie Sriharan
Vice President
Raji Ramanathan
Vice President
Vibi Ahileswaran

Membership Information

These are the current membership fees offered by Tamil Society, although many clubs and societies offer a free period for new members to try out their activities.

You must be a member of the Students' Union to join a club or society
NameCostValid PeriodDetails
Tamil Society Membership 24-25£7.5001/10/2024 - 31/08/2025We welcome you to be a member of the University of Southampton Tamil Society this year! We have planned many events and socials for this upcoming year, make to sure keep an eye for any updates! With this membership it gives you the chance to get discounted tickets on our events to come! Make sure to get yours now!


Available products to purchase for Tamil Society


All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run

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Health & Safety

All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for Tamil Society are available to view below

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