Table Tennis

Come down to try out table tennis - it's a great way to meet new people! We welcome everyone, whether it be your first time picking up a racket or if you're a seasoned professional, we'll be sure to have someone for you to play against. You're welcome to bring friends along too, to finally settle who's better at table tennis. We will provide all equipment so make sure not to miss out! For more info, updates, pictures and videos, follow us on Instagram or 小红书.

Every Tuesday from 5:00PM until 6:30PM, and every Saturday from 12:00PM until 3:00PM we have a recreational session, where all players are welcome.

This session is for doing anything you like which could range from having a knock-around to having a self-training session. All sessions are held in The Cube where we can get up to 8 tables out. The Cube is on Floor 2 of the Students' Union.

Every Sunday from 12:00PM to 3:00PM we have a training session only for Team members.

We have 1 Men's Team and one Women's Team playing in the 1st division.

Please DO NOT buy the Team membership prior to attending the Team Trials and ONLY buy it once you have been selected.

For a non-team member you DO NOT need the sports pass. A Team member is required to buy a sports pass on top of the membership, this is either a 45£ sports pass, or it is included in the yearly Jubilee Sports Centre Pass which is 209£.

Photo Gallery

The Committee

All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for Table Tennis this year are:

Darren Wu
Men's Captain
Guang-Qian Yeap
Yuan Gao
Social Secretary
Chin Long Chan
Harshil Shah
Vice President
Joshua Carpenter
Welfare Officer
Shengwei Zhao
Women's Captain

Membership Information

These are the current membership fees offered by Table Tennis, although many clubs and societies offer a free period for new members to try out their activities.

Please note that some memberships of this group may also require you to purchase Sport & Wellbeing membership from the University of Southampton in order to use the relevant sport facilities
You must be a member of the Students' Union to join a club or society
NameCostValid PeriodDetails
SUTTC team membership£60.0025/09/2024 - 25/08/2025SUTTC Team Year Membership allows the member to come to our Recreational Sessions and Training Sessions as frequently as they wish. During the Recreational Session, you are free to do whatever you want; whether that be to play games or to do intense training. Being on the team means that you can represent the University of Southampton in our weekly BUCS matches against other universities. The travel costs to these matches are covered by the Team Membership costs. If you are good enough, there will also be opportunities to play in BUCS Nationals which is an annual national tournament amongst all UK university teams. This cost of this is partially subsidised by the our university. Finally, being a Team Member means you get notifications about all of our social events and days out which are not to be missed. Be part of this rapidly-growing society and you'll be sure to make friends from all around the world!
SUTTC Recreational year membership£35.0025/09/2024 - 25/09/2025SUTTC Recreational Year Membership allows the member to come to our Recreational Sessions and Development Sessions as frequently as they wish throughout the year. During the Recreational Session, you are free to do whatever you want; whether that be to play games or to do intense training. Bats and balls are provided free of charge for both of these sessions. Finally, being a Recreational Member means your get notifications about all of our social events and days out which are not to be missed. Be part of this rapidly-growing society and you’ll be sure to make friends from all over the world!
SUTTC Recreational semester membership£25.0029/01/2025 - 30/06/2025SUTTC Recreational Semester Membership allows the member to come to our Recreational Sessions and Development Sessions as frequently as they wish throughout a semester. During the Recreational Session, you are free to do whatever you want; whether that be to play games or to do intense training. Bats and balls are provided free of charge for both of these sessions. Finally, being a Recreational Member means your get notifications about all of our social events and days out which are not to be missed. Be part of this rapidly-growing society and you’ll be sure to make friends from all over the world!
SUTTC Recreational semester membership£25.0029/01/2025 - 30/06/2025SUTTC Recreational Semester Membership allows the member to come to our Recreational Sessions and Development Sessions as frequently as they wish throughout a semester. During the Recreational Session, you are free to do whatever you want; whether that be to play games or to do intense training. Bats and balls are provided free of charge for both of these sessions. Finally, being a Recreational Member means your get notifications about all of our social events and days out which are not to be missed. Be part of this rapidly-growing society and you’ll be sure to make friends from all over the world!


Available products to purchase for Table Tennis


All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run

Download Constitution

Health & Safety

All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for Table Tennis are available to view below

Upcoming Events

Check out our upcoming events below:

Sorry, there are no upcoming events for Table Tennis.

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