Rugby (Mens)

We are one of the biggest and most successful clubs at the Uni, and widely encourage new players to join! Find out more information below!

With over 100 years since our formation, we are one of the oldest and proudest sports clubs at the university. Currently, we have two competitive teams, with our 1st XV playing in BUCS Western 2A and our 2nd XV playing in BUCS Western 4A. Competing at the highest level in the University, our 1st XV is striving to win the league and earn promotion after falling just short at 2nd this year. The club is proud of its 'one club' ethos, which is reflected in our competitive joint training sessions and socials which are available for all members. No matter your rugby experience, our club has something to offer you. Whether you are looking for professional coaching to play in BUCS Rugby, or simply to learn and develop as a player, our primary goal is to help you get the most out of your university rugby experience. If you have any questions or want to find out more, contact us on our social media or register to express your interest:

Register Form


Want to get started now? Our pre-season starts on the 26th of August and all players are welcome. Training will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings with our professional coaching team at Widelane Sports Ground. If you are interested in joining us, please fill out the registration form above so we can contact you and help you join us before you can move into your accommodation.


The Committee

All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for Rugby (Mens) this year are:

George Ward
1XV Captain
Oliver King
1XV Vice-Captain
Zachary Haynes
2XV Captain
Alexander Vale
Club Captain
Caleb Acquah
Flair Secretary
Jacob Kitching
Fresher Rep/IM Officer
Archie Burdett
Fresher Rep/IM Officer
Lam Ogundimu
Kit Secretary
Maksymilian Titterton
Jack Hewlett
Social Secretary
Oliver King
Social Secretary
Freddie Ellis
Sponsorship Secretary
Charles Churchouse
George Walters
Vice Club Capt
Alfie Jones
Welfare & Charity Secretary
Caleb Acquah
Welfare & Charity Secretary

Membership Information

These are the current membership fees offered by Rugby (Mens), although many clubs and societies offer a free period for new members to try out their activities.

Please note that some memberships of this group may also require you to purchase Sport & Wellbeing membership from the University of Southampton in order to use the relevant sport facilities
You must be a member of the Students' Union to join a club or society
NameCostValid PeriodDetails
Full Year Membership£135.0007/09/2024 - 01/07/2025A full-year membership gives you access to our professional coaches, physio, makes you eligible for selection every game, allows you transport to every away game as well as access to all social events hosted by the club. A free training top will also be available with this membership option.
Social Membership£25.0007/09/2024 - 01/07/2025If you are injured or just want to enjoy the social aspect of the club. Gives you access to all social events that are run by the club.
Semester 2 Membership£65.0001/01/2025 - 01/07/2025If you want to split the cost of a year membership or you're unsure about committing to the full year. Has all the same benefits as a full membership but is only valid for semester 2. There are fewer fixtures in Semester 2 than in Semester 1 and therefore is lower in price.
IM Player Full Year£30.0015/10/2024 - 30/06/2025This membership is for regular IM players who want more competitive BUCS matches. This low price gives access to all training sessions, but £5 must be sent to the club for each BUCS match the player participates in. This membership does NOT include a training top. Contact should be made with the club before this membership is purchased.


Available products to purchase for Rugby (Mens)


All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run

Download Constitution

Health & Safety

All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for Rugby (Mens) are available to view below

Upcoming Events

Check out our upcoming events below:

Sorry, there are no upcoming events for Rugby (Mens).

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