Socialist Students Society

We are Socialist Students Southampton, join us to learn and put into practice socialist ideas so we can: build a political alternative, organise protests, join striking workers on the pickets and discuss how how a socialist future could save us from climate change, the cost of living crisis, global conflicts and endless corporate greed.

Join Socialist Students and join the fight for a future that works for the many and not the few! 

Are you a socialist? Do you want to learn more about what socialists stand for? Do you want to build workers opposition to the political class? Whether you are already a socialist or still exploring socialist ideas, we want you to join our society! Southampton Socialist Students is open to all students who are looking for an alternative to the failures of capitalism. 

Southampton Socialist Students want to part of the movement for change here in Britain but we need your help! The Young Socialists & Socialist Students  have produced a youth charter for discussion and debate, which you can read on our website.  If you agree, join us in the fight for a future we can look forward to not fear.

What do we do?

  • Weekly Meetings: We meet once a week, on various topics and events, both current and historical. Over the last year we had meetings on building left wing political opposition to the Tories and Starmer's Labour, Palestine and the history of the conflict, the history of US imperialism, the threat of NHS privitisation and many more. We're also always open to topic suggestions, maybe it's something close to home or just something you'd like to learn about - just drop us an email or insta dm!
  • Stalls and Campaigning: We’ve found that a good way to spread the word and meet new people is to run stalls and do some leafleting, often on campus! It’s a bit scary the first time you do it, but as long as you’re friendly you can have some very interesting discussions with lots of people. So many people know that the current system is not working, but don’t know what the alternative is: stalls are a great way to introduce socialist ideas as a solution. As well as this we campaigned for local candidates in both the local and general elections, who ran under the TUSC banner. In the local elections our candidate Nadia Ditta recieved 848 votes for 32% of the vote in Bevois ward on a program of a no cuts council budget and to oppose the war on Gaza.
  • Protests and Strikes: Over the last couple of years we've helped to start the palestine movement on campus with public meetings and protests; and been present on a number of picket lines for the UCU, BMA and RCN. As the labour government does not pose any solutions for the working class, we will continue to support the struggle of students and workers alike.

About Socialist Students

Southampton Socialist Students is affiliated to Socialist Students, which is a democratic campaigning organisation that has groups in over 30 university and college campuses across Britain. We stand against the marketisation of higher education and campaign for free education, with an end to student debt. We campaign for rent control, the scrapping of agency fees and for mass council house building. We oppose oppression and stand in solidarity with those fighting for liberation. 

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The Committee

All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for Socialist Students Society this year are:

Nicholas Davies
Zachary Cole
Imogen De Csillery

Membership Information

These are the current membership fees offered by Socialist Students Society, although many clubs and societies offer a free period for new members to try out their activities.

You must be a member of the Students' Union to join a club or society
NameCostValid PeriodDetails
Free MembershipFREE01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025Year Membership for 24/25! This helps us keep in contact and gauge numbers for events! Feel free to come along before you join!


Available products to purchase for Socialist Students Society


All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run

Download Constitution

Health & Safety

All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for Socialist Students Society are available to view below

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