Hong Kong Public Affairs and Social Service Society

Hong Kong Public Affairs And Social Services Society (HKPASS) was first founded by LSE over 10 years ago, and has since expanded across many other universities in the UK such as Kings College, Imperial, Exeter, Bath and Bristol. HKPASS is a non-profit making, student led society. As the name suggests, we aim to promote the importance of public issues regarding the social, economical and political concerns of Hong Kong, China, and other parts of the world. We also aim to increase community involvement amongs the students by contributing to the local community in HK through the organization of different social services and activities. We (Soton) are thrilled to be a new addition to the HKPASS family (since 2014), and anticipate a wide array of events to take place the coming year. We would very much appreciate any suggestions and improvements we could make to render a smooth and successful establishment at Southampton. Feel free to contact us via this email: sotonhkpass@gmail.com

Hong Kong Public Affairs And Social Services Society (HKPASS) was first founded by LSE over 10 years ago and has since expanded across many other universities in the UK such as Kings College, Imperial, Exeter, Bath and Bristol. HKPASS is a non-profit making, student-led society. As the name suggests, we aim to promote the importance of public issues regarding the social, economical and political concerns of Hong Kong, China, and other parts of the world. We also aim to increase community involvement amongst the students by contributing to the local community in HK through the organization of different social services and activities. We (Soton) are thrilled to be a new addition to the HKPASS family (since 2014), and anticipate a wide array of events to take place the coming year. We would very much appreciate any suggestions and improvements we could make to render a smooth and successful establishment at Southampton. Feel free to contact us via this email: sotonhkpass@gmail.com. 

The 2023-2024 Executive Committee Members: 

President: Sze Kiu Wong, Henry (skw1u22@soton.ac.uk

Internal Vice President: Chun Hei Huen, Samuel (chh1u22@soton.ac.uk

External Vice President: Cheuk Him Tai, Lucas (cht1g22@soton.ac.uk)

Treasurer: King-Fung Cheung, Gordon (kfc1g22@soton.ac.uk

Secretary: Yee Sum Ip, Sally (ysi1g22@soton.ac.uk

Public Affairs Officer: Ka Ching Wan, Percia (kcw1g22@soton.ac.uk)

Social Service Officer: Tsang Pak To Plato (tptp1g22@soton.ac.uk)

Publication Officer: Chan Sum Yuet, Yvonne (syc1u22@soton.ac.uk)


The Committee

All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for Hong Kong Public Affairs and Social Service Society this year are:

Chun Huen
Yvonne Chan
Gordon Cheung

Membership Information

There is currently no information about membership fees available


Available products to purchase for Hong Kong Public Affairs and Social Service Society


All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run

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Health & Safety

All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for Hong Kong Public Affairs and Social Service Society are available to view below

    Upcoming Events

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