General Practitioner Society

We are the university's General Practice Society. We offer a range of talks, webinars and events throughout the year aiming to increase awareness and get people excited about GP as a specialty! We aim to create opportunities for networking, hearing from qualified GPs and trainees about their experience, as well as attending conferences and events. You don't need to be an aspiring GP to come along and just hear more about this amazing speciality!

Hello! We are the General Practitioner (GP) Society for the University of Southampton! We run events throughout the year promoting all things GP!

The Committee

All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for General Practitioner Society this year are:

Rhianna Trump
Academic Rep
Olivia Chin
Events Secretary
Jack O'Hara
Jay Johal
Catrina Higgins
Vice President

Membership Information

These are the current membership fees offered by General Practitioner Society, although many clubs and societies offer a free period for new members to try out their activities.

You must be a member of the Students' Union to join a club or society
NameCostValid PeriodDetails
General Practitioner Society Membership 2024-25FREE26/06/2024 - 01/07/2025This membership gives you free access to the General Practitioner (GP) Society for the academic year of 2024-25.


Available products to purchase for General Practitioner Society


All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run

Download Constitution

Health & Safety

All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for General Practitioner Society are available to view below

Upcoming Events

Check out our upcoming events below:

Sorry, there are no upcoming events for General Practitioner Society.

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