English Society

We are the University of Southampton English society! Despite our name, we are here to build a community between students from all departments and degrees, with a shared love of literature. We not only aim to offer support to English students through our first-year mentoring scheme, but to organise socials and events that will connect literature-loving students, and to provide something for everyone to enjoy! We run and plan both alcoholic, and non alcholic events, including but not limited to bar socials, book clubs, meet and greets and film screenings. We also have our own Engsoc netball team for anybody who loves sport, or just wants to have some fun! We welcome everybody and would love you to get involved!

Welcome to EngSoc!

Firstly you do not need to study English to be part of the society! Everyone is welcome, we have members who study subjects ranging from Law to Biochemistry that join in. The 23/24 committee are working to ensure we have a full packed and exciting year, some of the things we are looking to introduce are:  

  • Book Club
  • Buddy Scheme - mentoring for first year students by more experienced students!
  • Weekly socials (alternating Wednesday and another day in the week to ensure people who are part of sports teams can still join in regularly!).
  • Socials with other societies such as Taylor Swift Society, Theatre Group, BioSoc, humanities, and plenty more!
  • Boat Ball with Histsoc (History Society) and Polisoc (Politics Society)
  • Coffee Shop catch up
  • A group chat to ensure a welcoming and friendly environment for new and current members to ask questions and contribute ideas.

We offer free membership from July 2023 - November 18th, after this date membership then increases to £5.50 for the rest of the academic year. This membership fee includes discounted tickets to our events such as the Summer Boat Ball, Netball Summer Ball, as well as other socials and events. 

Please feel free to email us any questions or pop along to a social! We are a friendly community and would love for you to join. :)

Photo Gallery

The Committee

All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for English Society this year are:

Elona Sekiraqa
Employability & Workshop Officer
Kitty Smith
Ava Dellapina
Publicity & Sponsorship Officer
Anya Huggett
Social Secretary & Events Officer
Alexia Ambekar
Social Secretary & Events Officer
Alannah Garrard
Jack Reeves
Welfare Officer & Treasurer

Membership Information

These are the current membership fees offered by English Society, although many clubs and societies offer a free period for new members to try out their activities.

You must be a member of the Students' Union to join a club or society
NameCostValid PeriodDetails
1 Year Membership£6.0021/09/2024 - 30/06/2025EngSoc is for everybody and anybody with a love for English! We love nothing more than discussing our favorite books and authors but we also have so much more to offer. This upcoming year will be filled with fun. What does this include? - our Summer Boat Ball, lots of socials (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), fundraisers, movie nights, and much more. You also have the opportunity to buy discounted merchandise which will be announced soon! Come and join the community while numbers last, we want to welcome you with open arms.
Free 1 Year MembershipFREE21/09/2024 - 30/06/2025This free membership option ensures all students can join the community regardless of financial situations. We are a warm group of book-lovers who would love nothing more than to meet like-minded people! Stay up to date with our EngSoc events, socials, and news while showing your support for the society. Our membership includes discounts in socials and ticketed events. *this membership does not include discounts on merchandise*


Available products to purchase for English Society

Summer Boat Ball - English, History and Politics Society

Summer Boat Ball - English, History and Politics Society

£35.00 - £40.00

Join us for the FIRST EVER English, Politics and History Society Summer Boat Ball!! 

Join us for a fun night dancing the night away on the sea! We will have a photographer to capture the finest moments and memoires, as well as the best DJ in town... Tom Gallagher! Tom is the regular DJ at both Jesters and Trilogy, so good music is guarenteed. On board you can find a bar with snacks and drinks as well as six security guards to guarentee a safe and fun time. 

Details: 17th of June 2024

Time: 6:45pm - 9:45pm 

Location: Blue Funnel, Terminal 2, Town Quay, SO14 1AQ

!! Please note that tickets WILL close on the 15th of May unless we sell our prior to this date. We anticipate tickets to sell out very fast to encourage you to buy tickets asap. Please DM @engsocsoton on Instagram if you have any problems. 


All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run

Download Constitution

Health & Safety

All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for English Society are available to view below

Upcoming Events

Check out our upcoming events below:

Sorry, there are no upcoming events for English Society.

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