Doctor Who Society

The Doctor Who Society aims to bring together all with an interest - be that small or large - in the BBC sci-fi series 'Doctor Who'. Our society creates an enjoyable space for likeminded people to get together and have a chat in a pub, or watch episodes together.

The Doctor Who Society aims to bring together all with an interest - be that small or large - in the BBC sci-fi series 'Doctor Who'.

Our society creates an enjoyable space for likeminded people with a shared hobby to get together, be that to watch together, or to simply have a chat in the pub. 

There's plenty to get involved in, so come along to one of our socials and try it out!

The Committee

All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for Doctor Who Society this year are:

Cyan Parfitt
Freshers' Rep
Iona Venters
Toby Page
Molly McGinnes
Social Secretary
Lukas Lynford
Cory Kirkpatrick
James Blake
Welfare Officer

Membership Information

These are the current membership fees offered by Doctor Who Society, although many clubs and societies offer a free period for new members to try out their activities.

You must be a member of the Students' Union to join a club or society
NameCostValid PeriodDetails
Doc Soc Yearly MembershipFREE23/09/2024 - 14/06/2025Makes you an official member of the Southampton University Doctor Who Society. This will enable you to receive emails advertising upcoming events.
Cult of Skaro - Yearly Membership£2.0023/09/2024 - 31/07/2025An optional paid membership - provides no additional perks but allows bragging rights and supports the society


Available products to purchase for Doctor Who Society


All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run

Download Constitution

Health & Safety

All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for Doctor Who Society are available to view below

Upcoming Events

Check out our upcoming events below:

Sorry, there are no upcoming events for Doctor Who Society.

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