Bluetits (Netball)
Well hello; you've managed to stumble across Southampton's Medics' netball team & Medsoc's largest all female society - The Bluetits! Our training, matches, and socials are designed to fit around a busy medicine schedule allowing you to get your mind off medicine (we all need to sometimes!). We welcome girls of all abilities - whether you're a seasoned pro or haven't played since Year 9 PE! This year, we can't wait to maintain our Intramural (IM) league winners title and get playing other unis in the NAMS League. So if you're looking for weekly training, cracking socials, weekly hungover matches, and getting to know a lovely bunch of women, come and join us! Join our Facebook group (search "Bluetits Netball") for the full sales pitch and details, or get in touch with our Captain Hatty Jacobs! We are so excited to meet you and can't wait to see what this year will bring! ILTB :)

I probably shouldn't brag tooooo much, but this is a sales pitch after all, so here are our recent achievements!
-Winner of University of Southampton Intramural League 2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024
-Winner of the Medsoc Sports Society of the Year 2018/2019/2021
-Finalists in the National Association of Medical Schools (NAMS) Tournament 2019/2020/2023/2024
-Winner of Medsoc Social Society of the Year 2017/2018
So what do we offer, you ask? Well...
-Weekly training nights (Wide Lane Sports Ground, 18:30-20:00) catered to a whole range of abilities. Whether you're a seasoned pro, or just getting back into the sport, we're here for you!
-Weekly Saturday night socials. We hold a prestigious reputation for our elite fancy dress taking on the roles of grannies, strawberries, London underground stations, Ursula, and even Giant African Snails...
-Weekly Sunday morning matches (FANTASTIC hangover cure)
-Competitive NAMS matches throughout the year
-Fun fitness sessions and challenges (if that's your thing!)
-Varsities (vs Brighton, Birmingham, and Portsmouth)
-Bluetits Mystery Tours! Once a year we go on holiday for a long weekend, where you find out the location at the airport! In recent years we have been to Budapest, Lisbon, Valencia, Warsaw and Barcelona
-Welfare Socials - From bring your own board nights to cupcake decorating we are here for when medicine gets a bit much. We also like to meet up on a Sunday afternoon for coffee, cake and of course a chinwag
-Revision Sessions - the best part of being in a society full of amazing women on your course, is that we all help each other through! Revision sessions are run by older girls in the run up to exam season. We also have a range of revision resources we like to share amongst tits
- We LOVE to get involved in many fundraising events such as PANTS, Medsoc Monty and Naked Calendar.
I hope this lengthy list has got the message across that we are SO MUCH MORE than a netball club!
We are a friendly, and approachable group of gals so join the page, or get in touch with anyone below on committee if you’re interested! Can’t wait to meet you all!
Hatty x
Club Captain 2024/25
Important Info:
Training: Thursday 6:30-8pm at Wide Lane Netball Courts
Photo Gallery
The Committee
All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for Bluetits (Netball) this year are:
A Team Captain
B Team Captain
Fitness & Fundraising Sec
Freshers Reps
Freshers Reps
Kit Secretary
NAMS Captain
Social Secretary
Social Secretary
Tour Secretary
Tour Secretary
Membership Information
These are the current membership fees offered by Bluetits (Netball), although many clubs and societies offer a free period for new members to try out their activities.
Name | Cost | Valid Period | Details | |
Year membership | £35.00 | 26/09/2024 - 26/09/2025 | This will give you access to our weekly training nights, Sunday morning Intramural matches, and our weekly socials. Membership fees allow us to go to NAMS matches, varsities, and tour, as well as subsidising kit, socials, and welfare! | |
Final Year (saggies only!!) | £15.00 | 26/09/2024 - 26/09/2025 | Cheaper membership fees for the year as you guys are all running off halfway through the year! | |
NAMS year membership | £45.00 | 26/09/2024 - 26/09/2025 | This will give you access to our weekly training nights, Sunday morning Intramural matches, NAMS games and our weekly socials. Membership fees allow us to go to NAMS matches, varsities, and tour, as well as subsidising kit, socials and welfare! Year |
Available products to purchase for Bluetits (Netball)
All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run
Download ConstitutionHealth & Safety
All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for Bluetits (Netball) are available to view below
Upcoming Events
Check out our upcoming events below: