Free Capoeira Taster Session

30 Sep 2024,

SUSU Training Room, B42


Don't miss out on the free capoeira session! 

We will introduce you to the basics of Capoeira Angola. Capoeira is a martial art and game, that also involves dance, acrobatics, complex manoeuvres and music, all of which will be demonstrated and taught by Mestre Joaozinho. 

Capoeira is great for all levels of athleticism, it targets multiple muscle groups, improving your strength, balance and flexibility. 

The sessions take place in the training room in the SUSU building (message us on Instagram if you are unsure where this is - @capoeira.marazul).

Wear something comfortable.

Hope to see you there!

The Organisers


Capoeira was born out of the slave trade around 500 years ago in Brazil. It was developed by the slaves as a martial art, however, it was designed to look like tribal dances and rituals so that the slave masters would not suspect the violent aspect of the art. A crucial component of learning Capoeira has been the ability to mask your movements and intentions in an apparently non-threatening dance, combining combat and music. At Southampton, we have an enthusiastic Capoeira teacher, Mestre Joaozinho, who teaches the Angola style of Capoeira and we also have open training sessions to practice together. You're welcome to come to any of our sessions! Your first session is free. Please see our Instagram page for more info @capoeira.marazul or if you have any more questions feel free to email us.

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