Men's and Ladies' Hockey Information Evening

29 Sep 2024,


Hockey (Mens)

Have you played hockey previously before coming to university? Or perhaps it's a completely new sport to you? Either way, it does not matter, we want you to be part of our welcoming and friendly community!


The Men's and Ladies' Hockey Clubs are inviting you to an information evening on Sunday 29th September at 7pm, after which you can also get to meet the committee and eat FREE PIZZA. This info evening is being held in conjunction with our Welcome Trials session earlier in the day***


During the info evening we will show you:

  • what a typical week as a university hockey player might look like

  • all the fun events and activities that we have on throughout the year

  • who and where are oppostions are for matches 

  • why you should be part of our hockey club!

So if you are interested in joining one of the largest clubs at the university, and without doubt the most friendly and enjoyable, then please join us for this meet and greet. There is absolutely no commitment to join after this, but you can make that decision for yourself after the presentation! :)


***10am-1pm for the Men and 1pm-4pm for the Ladies at Wide Lane Sports Grounds - see previous events in SUSU What's On page or message @wessexrangers on Instagram

The Organisers

Hockey (Mens)

Men's Hockey welcomes all and every player regardless of ability! We have five teams competing in the local and BUCS leagues we can definitely find a place to accommodate you! We currently have training sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays depending on your team. Interested? Drop us a message here, on Facebook (\sumhc) or instagram (@wessexrangers) and we'll organize getting you involved. Have a look at our website for more information!

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Sunday 29 Sep

Men's and Ladies' Hockey Information Evening
