Ask the Adviser - CV Clinic - WSA Careers Week

21 Feb 2023,

WSA Cafe

University of Southampton

The CV Clinic offers you the opportunity for a 10-minute conversation with one of our advisers to assess how we can meet your needs.  

Topics the Careers team can help you with in a drop-in appointment include: 

  • Feedback on a document e.g. CV, covering letter (please ensure you upload a copy of your document when booking) 

  • Career options/planning and next steps 

  • Interview/Assessment Centre/Online Test preparation 

  • Finding opportunities, including internships and placements 

  • Career options related to changing your course 

  • Postgraduate study

Hosted by: Careers, Employability and Student EnterpriseLaura Smith & Karen Haynes  

Please book before attending and select a WSA appointment. The appointments will become available 1 week prior to the event.

The Organisers

University of Southampton

The University

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