Free Yoga - You Are More Than Your Studies

1 Jun 2022,

Clubs and Socs room, SUSU

Yoga Society,SUSU

Free Yoga - You Are More Than Your Studies external site

Stretch, realign and take some deep breaths. Put exams and dissertations out of your mind for a blissful hour by attending one of Yoga Society's free sessions.

Sign up here: 

Yin yoga is a calming restorative practice which involves exploring physical postures for extended periods of time to release deep tension


Yin gets its name since it counterbalances the common yang or intense styles like Hatha and Vinyasa.


In yin we use an internal meditative style, as well as props when necessary, to unblock stress through conscious support, breathing, connecting the mind, body, emotions, and energy in profound ways.


Using the chinese wisdom of yin, we will explore themes every week, providing spiritual insights, and healing through curative methods.


This style is great for all levels, and as a counterbalance to your yang intense physical lifestyle and practice.

The Organisers

Yoga Society

Traditional Hatha, Yoga Flow, Gentle Yoga and Beginner's classes for everyone at the University of Southampton


We are the University of Southampton Students’ Union (also called "SUSU"). We are here to represent the voice of students at every level and ultimately make their university experience unforgettable. Independent from the University, we're run by students, for students!

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